[11:01] Blondin Linden: hate to do this but I can only stay for 30 minutes today
1. BED FAIR - http://bedfair.blogspot.com/ (Lias Leandros)
[11:03] Blondin Linden: http://bedfair.blogspot.com/2010/10/bed-fair-proposal-for-zindra-linden.html
[11:03] colleen Criss: http://bedfair.blogspot.com/2010/10/bed-fair-proposal-for-zindra-linden.html
[11:03] colleen Criss: oo lol you beat me
[11:03] colleen Criss: she is waiting approval
[11:03] colleen Criss: from you
[11:04] colleen Criss: time was chosen before Ginette decioded upon her time last week
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: has the proposal bene done with the criteria of the Island Events procedure?>
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: because as of last week,m lias claimed that process was nonsense
[11:05] Blondin Linden: So, of course, I'd love to see even more detail but I like where your going . Right off the bat though - I'm gunna ask that you consider pushing the dates back by 2 weeks.
[11:05] Blondin Linden: To give time for GInette and the Art Maze to conclude
[11:05] colleen Criss: well we can negoicate times
[11:05] colleen Criss: Counter has April and summer is not a good time for large scale events in SL so it will have to have a October Set up time and a november event date
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin..events shoudl hjave abt 3 months average for proper buildup....thats the point of it being a big event, whatever it is
[11:06] colleen Criss: in order to get vendors build set up etc
[11:06] colleen Criss: Gina let Blondin run his mtg
[11:07] Blondin Linden: I do think that you'll need a bit more time in planning this all out which is why details are always a good thing.
[11:07] colleen Criss: are those times acceptable for you Blondin?
[11:08] Blondin Linden: next novemebr?
[11:11] Blondin Linden: ok Colleen, keep work with Lias on it. SOme things I'd still like to see: - include details about Prim needs, land Management, Membership, Group roles and abilities
[11:11] Blondin Linden: and Include a land-use plan (as best as possible at an early stage). This could be a basic diagram and/or well-written explanation.
[11:11] colleen Criss: yes Blondin will do :) ty
2. Age Verification Kiosks (Colleen Criss)
[11:13] Blondin Linden: So a while back - there was a team working on getting verification into the viewer
[11:13] Blondin Linden: but things happened :) and other issues took priority
[11:14] Blondin Linden: apparently, it's a big deal that'll need both server and viewer work
[11:14] colleen Criss: I have a list on the site of potential HUBS
[11:14] colleen Criss: since it is a PG kiosk
[11:14] Blondin Linden: so I've been sending emails and setting up meetings trying to figure how we (LL) could get this done.
[11:14] Blondin Linden: I'm trying to push the issue b/c I know its imporant
[11:15] Blondin Linden: so no promises
3. Flickr Kiosk Rules (Blondin Linden)
[11:22] Blondin Linden: so there are some obvious moderation or rules that I think are generally approriate for this kind of thing.
[11:22] Blondin Linden: would u agree, that , in order to place more of these out, that the conent should be of mature nature?
[11:23] Blondin Linden: ie, non explicit?
[11:23] Counter Landfall: actually as neutral as possible
[11:23] Forceme Silverspar: As in PG neutral?
[11:23] Counter Landfall: so the same material could be used on signup
[11:23] Counter Landfall: yes
[11:23] Blondin Linden: thanks counter - I agree.
11:24] Blondin Linden: I also think that anything that is purly advertizing for one business would be a slippery slope and after awhile - it'll be nothing but adds. So I think anythingn that is clearly an ad shouldnt be allowed.
[11:24] Blondin Linden: Yes?
[11:25] Blondin Linden: along that line - spam and general noise should be filtered out
[11:25] colleen Criss: define please?
[11:25] colleen Criss: an ad so nothing shot at your place of business or any place of business?
[11:25] colleen Criss: no event s at them etc?
[11:26] Counter Landfall: pure info on how to verify
[11:26] Blondin Linden: good point Colleen. I think theres a very blury line there
[11:28] Blondin Linden: Colleen , I think blantant ads will be very obvious.
[11:28] Blondin Linden: if you take pics of your event - thats more of a social setting
[11:28] colleen Criss: I agree with that
[11:28] colleen Criss: but if we hold an event we cant post those photos?
[11:29] Blondin Linden: I think you'd be able to .
[11:30] Blondin Linden: Yeah I'll work on it. THough I want you all to think of the issue of moderation. Not everyone is gunna know these guidless nor should we expect them to. Perhaps the best idea to keep it up to date is to have people here help with that.
[11:30] Blondin Linden: So think about that - if it makes sense
[11:30] Blondin Linden: other wise, we're going to have issues in scalability :)
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