Tuesday, January 11, 2011

7 Steps To Community use of the Sim of Zindra

The Sim of Zindra in the continent of Zindra has been turned into a retail merchant booth space surrounded by a moat. Besides the retail lottery events the Moles will be developing in the future, there can be space developed for small, short term community events.

The first community-planned event on Zindra was the Naughty Snowman Build Contest. Local Zindra business sponsored and participated in the event and it was a wonderful success.
(As seen here on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCJWCcdDxgE)

Any Zindran can apply to produce a event that will last no more than 30 days on the sim of Zindra by following the proposed simple guidelines:

Please check the Public Google Calendar for the available dates for use of the sim of Zindra. (URL to be established).

1. PRESENTATION: Create a free blog address in the name of your proposed event. Include an outline of your event. (http://www.blogger.com)

A) How do you propose establishing build permissions for your event?
B) Will you need Media permissions? How do you propose establishing them?
C) Do you need the Moles to make any landscaping changes to the Sim prior to the event?

A) Date you need to start setup:
B) Date you will allow your participants to start building
C) Date of Event
D) End Date of Event
E)Clean up Date of Event

4. PRIM USAGE: The Mall may, at any time, have content providers in it. Even though the sim allows 15,000 prims - The maximum prims available for community events will be 7,000 prims.

A) How many participants maximum will you allow.
B) How many prims per participant will be allowed.
C) Will you be building a dock, stage or prim work area for the event.
D) Describe the area you will need to build.
E) Where on the sim (include coordinate) do you want to place your event area?
F) How many prims do you estimate you will need for this area.

Write a small summary of how you will let people know about your event.
How will you let people outside of Zindra know about your event also.

What Zindra business (if any) will be sponsoring your event? Indicate what they will be doing as part of their sponsorship.

Name your event staff positions (including your role) and describe the responsibilities of each position.

Add the name of the Person that will be filling each position (you should have these positions filled at least 30 days prior to the event SETUP date.

A) Coordinator
B) Marketing
C) Event Host
D) Sim Designer
E) Participant Recruitment
F) Customer Service

G)OTHER positions you feel you need.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Community Meeting Transcript, January 10, 2011

[10:54] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Silva
[10:54] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): hi all ㋡
[10:54] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): HI gina
[10:54] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): hi and happy new year : )
[10:54] Qie (qie.niangao): Hi folks. (a little distracted here)
[10:54] Ginette Pinazzo: great slideshow Silva
[10:54] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Q
[10:55] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): hi Sissy
[10:55] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Zada Bury (9m)
[10:56] Ginette Pinazzo: we'll see if Blondin remembers abt these meetings after the long vacation
[10:56] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman) shouts: Zada ^^
[10:56] Zada Bury: morning, evening, g'night ... whatever to all ^_^
[10:56] Ginette Pinazzo: hi Zada!
[10:56] Zada Bury: heya ^.^
[10:56] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): rawr, Zada
[10:57] Zada Bury: Oh, I hate display names ...
[10:57] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): haha
[10:57] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): I love it
[10:58] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): my next name I will put above my head is 'social disease' ;)
[10:59] Ginette Pinazzo: Zada..I love yoru Flickr site..its really fileld with nice stuff
[10:59] Zada Bury: I try my best
[10:59] Zada Bury: some I have, bit shape them need a time
[10:59] Ginette Pinazzo: even the photos of the infohubs..makes thm look really classy
[11:00] Zada Bury: I have done them first as kind of help for Blonding, but I have miss to send, where he can find them ...
[11:00] Zada Bury: ... now I have place them there
[11:00] You decline NEW Element, the 8th Club @ GOL , GOL 7 (110, 237, 23) from A group member named Karola Silversmith.
[11:00] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Couldbe Yue (9m)
[11:01] Zada Bury: his last pictures about was ... mmm ... let's say "they have miss a part of fine-tune" ^.^
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: think Blondin had too much eggnog this time?
[11:01] Qie (qie.niangao): greetings, Blondin
[11:01] Zada Bury: Heya there, Blondin.
[11:01] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): HI Blondin : )
[11:01] Blondin (blondin.linden): hello Qie
[11:02] Blondin (blondin.linden): hey all
[11:02] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): happy new year
[11:02] Blondin (blondin.linden): nice to see you all again
[11:02] Zada Bury: How war your Holiday?
[11:02] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Blondin
[11:02] Blondin (blondin.linden): yes! happy 2011
[11:02] Blondin (blondin.linden): hope January is going well so far
[11:02] Ginette Pinazzo: new years resolutions all taken care of, I hope?
[11:02] Zada Bury: What? we have 2011? Why I have not get a group-notice?
[11:03] Blondin (blondin.linden): i know right!
[11:03] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): soon in 2012 only SL will exist... after the real world is gone ;)
[11:03] Blondin (blondin.linden): I saw tron over the holiday. Made me think of SL a bit
[11:04] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): yeah you can lose your mind here ^^
[11:04] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Ratatosk Independent (19m)
[11:04] Blondin (blondin.linden): shall we get started? But take it easy on me today. Its been a long day already, trying to catch up
[11:05] Ginette Pinazzo: (puts away nail file to take it easy)
[11:05] Blondin (blondin.linden): lets start with the Maze report?
[11:05] Blondin (blondin.linden): https://sites.google.com/site/artmazeinsecondlife/
[11:05] Ginette Pinazzo: ok...lots of good news......
[11:05] Ginette Pinazzo: 7 thinsg to mention...all good, I think....
[11:05] Blondin (blondin.linden): cool! the floor is yours
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: 1. We have a nice spread in ICON magazine out now (a preview piece)....
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: 2. We will be running some Pre Parties at artists' own sims and I'll post that schedule soon.......
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: 3. We have a full line now of free Art Maze Apparel (and a coffee mug, of course), created by the maze artists, available in the lobby.......
[11:06] Blondin (blondin.linden): (can you link tot he Icon piece?)
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: yes Ill put a link on the art maze site asap......they do an online version of the issue
[11:07] Ginette Pinazzo: 4. We will be encouraging visitors to the maze to write 'travel journals' as they explore the maze.....these will be notecards they send us, that we collect.....where they can express their experiences as they explore (the maze is complex and engrossing enough, I predict many trips will be common)........these journals will act as feedback plus may make great items to publish.....to get lasting value from the show after its taken down.......keeping the visitors involved......
[11:07] Ginette Pinazzo: 5. We've been encouraging artists to have videos made....'walk-throughs' of their installations....(some of our more prolific videomakers are helping with this).....The results have been great so far, (they are on the Art Maze site now via YouTube) and I really feel videos like this are key to building positive PR and nurturing long-term relationships between Zindra, SL and the public in general.....
[11:08] Ginette Pinazzo: 6. Related to that, and to the various articles we've been posting, we have very good Google search results, and I think this is momentum we can really build upon.......
[11:08] Ginette Pinazzo: and finally...
[11:08] Ginette Pinazzo: 7. Our official Testing Day for the maze is FRI JAN 14 from 4PM on (anyoe who wants to sign up to be a tester should contact BBQBill Odriscoll)......
[11:08] Ginette Pinazzo: FIN
[11:08] Blondin (blondin.linden): Um, I wont be able to attend the walk through but I think COunrtney told me she would stop by at 4
[11:08] Ginette Pinazzo: great
[11:09] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Gristas Follet (18m)
[11:09] Sissy Blitz: I have been Removed from the art maze I have emailed you the details why
[11:09] Lias (lias.leandros) is Online
[11:09] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Rayna Ritt (19m)
[11:09] Blondin (blondin.linden): sorry - trying to access the videos
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: there are quiet a few of them Blondin already
[11:10] Zada Bury: Some of them are ... long, very long.
[11:10] Blondin (blondin.linden): how are you going to encourage people to send you notecards / journals?
[11:11] Blondin (blondin.linden): any ideas yet?
[11:11] Ginette Pinazzo: in the lobby we;; have soemthing that explains it, at th very least
[11:11] Ginette Pinazzo: where the freebies are
[11:11] Blondin (blondin.linden): ah ok
[11:11] Blondin (blondin.linden): just wondering
[11:11] Ginette Pinazzo: its a sort of clever way to get extar feedback from visitors
[11:12] Blondin (blondin.linden): so the plan is to have the building done by Friday yes? for the walk through
[11:12] Ginette Pinazzo: plus get content we can use to keep PRing later
[11:12] Ginette Pinazzo: yes blding doen by the 14th..good enough for walk through
[11:12] Ginette Pinazzo: I foprgot to emntion also the art maze music steram, will eb ready by tommorrow I think...with comemrciasls for it!
[11:13] Blondin (blondin.linden): any plans for the week before the offical opening? It opens on the 21st yes?
[11:13] Lias (lias.leandros) is Offline
[11:13] Ginette Pinazzo: well the week leading up, one thing is qwe will have pre partie at the artists' own sims...to cross promote......to help build excitemet
[11:13] Ginette Pinazzo: technically, the maze will be open anywya so peoepl can just starti coming in early...I think the longer its up the better
[11:14] Ginette Pinazzo: its actually complex enough, theres aLOT to see in it already
[11:14] Ginette Pinazzo: thats anotehr rason for the vidos....to presevr it because its hard to see it all
[11:14] Lias (lias.leandros) is Online
[11:14] Blondin (blondin.linden): makes sense
[11:14] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): its already amazing yes
[11:14] Ginette Pinazzo: *videos
[11:14] Zada Bury: What I have seen so far is very interesting.
[11:14] Blondin (blondin.linden): anyone in the audience have questions?
[11:14] Ginette Pinazzo: bad pun, Silva
[11:15] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): oh - sry chat - lag
[11:15] Blondin (blondin.linden): ok. Otherwise, we can move onto the next item
[11:15] Blondin (blondin.linden): http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/zindra-pr-team
[11:15] Zada Bury: Write a ticket, they should reset the sim .. will be sone in 4 ... months. >_<
[11:16] Ginette Pinazzo: ok..the PR team.....
[11:16] Blondin (blondin.linden): I havent read this yet. GImme a sec to skim over real quick
[11:16] Blondin (blondin.linden): this sim here?
[11:16] Blondin (blondin.linden): I can do that REAL quick
[11:16] Zada Bury: Save for the next meeting.
[11:16] Ginette Pinazzo: take your tiem...we need to eb easy on you, right? haha
[11:17] Ginette Pinazzo: I can just say the highlights, its a small one....
[11:18] Blondin (blondin.linden): sure go for it
[11:18] Ginette Pinazzo: THE PROBLEM..... Do an online search for the word Zindra and see the results: a lot of negative comments, articles and blog postings. Much of the material is a holdover from the time of debates and confusion during the Adult Content Changes and migration to Zindra. There is not much 'positive' material about Zindra YET. Anyone casually searching for information about Zindra might drown in the bad publicity.
[11:19] Ginette Pinazzo: THE SOLUTION..... To begin a campaign to spread good news and upgrade the image of Zindra, I propose a team form to brainstorm ideas about ways to create positive content all over the internet. There will be many ways to do this, and the more ideas we think of, the better. I suggest a team forms and meets (on its own time, of course) to create many ideas that will eventually be suitable for specific proposals.
[11:19] Ginette Pinazzo: STARTER IDEAS..... To kick off brainstorming, I have assembled some starter ideas on the website, a points of inspiration. (I wont botehr with those now).....
[11:19] Ginette Pinazzo: This is basically a call to people to join a brainstorming team that will meet throughout the upcoming weeks, to freely chat about ideas on a very big topic. Like our our brainstorming sessions, these will facilitated and kept 100% positive. The goal is to generate enough ideas that can result in real proposals later. I can say from sessions so far in other such teams, it's fun and relaxing, and always seems to generate new ideas.
[11:19] Ginette Pinazzo: FIN
[11:20] Blondin (blondin.linden): I think #7 on your list was working with Linden to make sure the wiki's are up to date with content on ZIndra
[11:20] Blondin (blondin.linden): very doable
[11:20] Ginette Pinazzo: yes good observation
[11:21] Ginette Pinazzo: thats one of the first easy to do items
[11:21] Blondin (blondin.linden): easy and least amount of work
[11:21] Ginette Pinazzo: the main wiki abt Zindra is hopelessly out of date
[11:21] Blondin (blondin.linden): is it?
[11:21] Blondin (blondin.linden): do you have a link?
[11:21] Ginette Pinazzo: sure...Ill tell you all abt it in anotehr meeting..hhaah
[11:22] Blondin (blondin.linden): awesome
[11:23] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): I would be for law & order on Zindra, its all chaotic at one side, and on the other hand, the business laments about their own build chaos....
[11:23] Blondin (blondin.linden): any questions or comments from the group?
[11:23] Ginette Pinazzo: I can get that link and present it at next meeting, maybe....its the one where you dotn even list the Zindra Expo group as a group (you ahve 2 otehrs though)
[11:24] Ginette Pinazzo: we do have few peoepl already signed up for the PR team..I am hoping for many more, since its a wide topic
[11:24] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): : )
[11:25] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Chucky Takacs (19m)
[11:25] Blondin (blondin.linden): ok. sounds fair enough. Let me know what I can do to help!
[11:25] Ginette Pinazzo: I am watching the tiem...can we skip the slideshow kiosk item again and move on, so Zada and Q have canhec to speak after the Zindar Sim item
[11:25] Blondin (blondin.linden): Ill be more than happy to help update the Linden wikis
[11:26] Blondin (blondin.linden): yep
[11:26] Blondin (blondin.linden): https://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/designer-slideshow-kiosks
[11:26] Blondin (blondin.linden): next item
[11:26] Couldbe (couldbe.yue): Is it possible to set up a general Zindra info/event group and leave the expo group to expo related matters?
[11:26] Trinity Robson is Offline
[11:26] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): old topic....
[11:26] Zada Bury: Zindra-name-change then, or?
[11:27] Ginette Pinazzo: next woudl be Zindar Sim name Change...this has ben reallyh a big issue..the more the days go on..everyday I run into it now
[11:27] Ginette Pinazzo: its very very frustrating...we are losing peoepl
[11:28] Zada Bury: Is ther also a time-fram, how long the rebuild of "actually poydan" will take?
[11:28] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): couldnt it help to just name a Parcel 'Zindra' on a mature rated SIM, so it would appear in search
[11:28] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Redlag Mayo (12m)
[11:28] Ginette Pinazzo: no Silva..thats the rea;l problem..haviung any sim just caleld Zindra is killing us
[11:28] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): ok : )
[11:28] Blondin (blondin.linden): very good question from Zada and a good point from GInette.
[11:28] Ravena DeCuir is Online
[11:28] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin. you ahve the right link
[11:29] Couldbe (couldbe.yue): Why is it a big issue Ginette?
[11:29] Lias (lias.leandros) is Offline
[11:29] Ginette Pinazzo: I thoroughly suggest peoepl read the entire proposla, but heer's the bascis (based on me dealing with this evey day when I do outreach)........
[11:29] Ginette Pinazzo: I see the problem every day, because I talk to people about the continent, some who have heard of it, some who have not and in almost every case, they open their Map and Search for Zindra. ....
[11:29] Blondin (blondin.linden): So, as for how long the build will take, I don't know. I've been ooo (out of office) for 2 weeks now. I know that the Moles are working on it. I don't know their timeline until I speak with Michael
[11:30] Ginette Pinazzo: Here are the 3 reactions I see every day:
[11:30] Ginette Pinazzo: 1. Some of them see the sim and say 'it looks empty. no traffic. Is that all?' and they never go further! (they dont even TP)
[11:30] Ginette Pinazzo: 2. Others TP there, see the basic information and clickable continent map there, and say: Is that all?'
[11:30] Ginette Pinazzo: 3. Others TP there, see the current Naughty Snowman event, and think that is all of Zindra.
[11:31] Ginette Pinazzo: My proposal is that, BEFORE we think about events, marketing or other aspects of Zindra Sim, we need to address Reaction 1: People who don't even TP because they see a sim called Zindra and they think 'that's all there is'. ....
[11:31] Ginette Pinazzo: In fact, before we even think about the controversial idea of switching the names of Podyan and Zindra Sim, we need to address Reaction 1. Why? Because, even if the sims move and change names, the same exact problem will exist. We'll still have a sim named Zindra (whether its a Mature or Adult sim...same problem)
[11:31] Ginette Pinazzo: thats the short version. again, I sugegst reading all of it .
[11:31] Qie (qie.niangao): For god's sake, don't remove the name Zindra before there's somewhere else you want to put it. Unless you want everybody TPing into the middle of the sim called "Zindra Ocean"
[11:31] Ginette Pinazzo: I dotn suggest ever removing Zindra...just modifying the name.......
[11:32] Ginette Pinazzo: I propose we honour LL's original intention to keep the sim's name 'Zindra' searchable so the sim can be found, but we modify the name so it is obviously NOT the continent. A name that lets people know this is a good sim to visit to START their exploration of the continent....
[11:32] Ginette Pinazzo: Examples: Zindra Portal, Zindra Quick Start Island, Zindra Entryway, Zindra Start Here, Zindra Info, Zindra Front Door, Zindra Update Center, Zindra 101, Zindra Hub, Capitol of Zindra, Zindra Center, etc etc
[11:32] Qie (qie.niangao): Okay, that works for me.
[11:32] Zada Bury: a friend in IM just suggested "Zindra Prime"
[11:32] Couldbe (couldbe.yue): well, that sounds meaningless
[11:33] Sissy Blitz: I dsagree Zindra is now known renaming it will look odd
[11:33] Ginette Pinazzo: the problem is huge. even peoepl who have been in SL for years think Zindra is an empty infohub and thats it
[11:33] Couldbe (couldbe.yue): just call it zindra welcome hub/centre then
[11:33] Ratsie Independent (ratatosk.independent): Personally, I think Zindra start here is excellent. Tells the story.
[11:33] Ginette Pinazzo: we are refrring to Zindra the SIM, not the continent (for those who dotn realize)
[11:33] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): i think, in fact, its to make ppl coming to Adult, where-ever, the residnets on Zindra have their parcesl, and need their peace... / so we already spoke about to lead ppl who are new to Adult-Content of SL
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: I love Zindra Start Here too...or Zindra Quick Start....seems on-point somehow
[11:34] Qie (qie.niangao): Zindra Landing, maybe
[11:34] Blondin (blondin.linden): Ok - here's a suggestion. Lets shelve this until we see what the Moles came back with as Podyan. And in the meantime, I can add a description to the Zindra sim that says soemthing like, Start Here or Open map to see more
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: oh that good G
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: *Q
[11:35] Sissy Blitz: Ok Blondin thankyou look forward to hearing what you come back with :)
[11:35] Ginette Pinazzo: that woudl be better than nothing Blondin.....but realize even after Podyan is doen and whatever name goes where...any simj just caleld Zindra 98without modification) is killing us
[11:35] Sissy Blitz: Blondin said he will get back to us ginette :)
[11:35] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): Qie, hows about to open the MAP when a resident touches your Zindra-Map on ZIndra?
[11:36] Ginette Pinazzo: I have ears Sissy
[11:36] Sissy Blitz: oh ?
[11:36] Blondin (blondin.linden): And ginette, we can pick this back up once we see Podyan. I just don't want to get ahead of ourselves before we know what we're working with
[11:36] Couldbe (couldbe.yue): a name change is not going to fix the problems that zindra has and it's stupid to pretend otherwise
[11:36] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): ok, so lets hear some construcive critic, Couldbe
[11:36] Qie (qie.niangao): silvanus, not sure what you mean... it is supposed to open the Map, unless it b0rked along the way
[11:36] Ginette Pinazzo: Couldyou....a name change affects what happens when peoepl open a map and search...I se it all the tiem
[11:37] Blondin (blondin.linden): Lets move on
[11:37] Couldbe (couldbe.yue): do you now? up until a couple of days ago I didn't realise you knew that people searched by map
[11:37] Blondin (blondin.linden): ZZada
[11:37] Blondin (blondin.linden): had a topic
[11:37] Blondin (blondin.linden): Protection from underage users
[11:37] Blondin (blondin.linden): ya?
[11:37] Zada Bury: Err ... yes.. "protection again underages" ... sounds funny, if we remember the talk about 2we need to break the search-firewall".
[11:37] Ginette Pinazzo: couldyou....what on earth are you talking about? drop it
[11:38] Zada Bury: The teens are on their G-land ... ok .. but they can IM us or we maybe enter a name wrong and start a chat and easy you are in an adult talk.
[11:39] Blondin (blondin.linden): yes I remember it. THe fact that you cant advertise out yes?
[11:39] Zada Bury: Is it possible to install a "protection", a kind of warning, if the resident is below 18?
[11:39] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): and a lot of profiles have typical Adult content
[11:39] Zada Bury: The regualr search seems to put some profiles as "mature" rated ... not all are show in general. but the people search will list all ... I think.
[11:39] Blondin (blondin.linden): what kind of protection did yu have in mind?
[11:40] Zada Bury: Well ... information in the profile, a message if you start an IM ...
[11:40] Zada Bury: ... no ide.
[11:40] Zada Bury: idea*
[11:40] Zada Bury: If you meet with someone on a General-rated land, you can't know "below 18, or over"
[11:41] Meowsters (meowsters.teskat) is Online
[11:41] Zada Bury: Same it, if a unknow resident IM you.
[11:41] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): another fact, Zada, is that all what is hidden and secret is double interesting for the teens
[11:41] Blondin (blondin.linden): if all else fails, you can ask them to meet you on an Adult region. I know you already know that, but just wanted to say it outloud
[11:42] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): just ask them about musicians of the early 70s ;)
[11:42] Ginette Pinazzo: hahaah
[11:42] Blondin (blondin.linden): ha sloth!
[11:42] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Dancer Greenfield (18m)
[11:42] Zada Bury: Yes, sure, that is an option ... but not all time, you can meet. and if the parents look in the wrong moment on little-billeys screen, the damage is done.
[11:42] Qie (qie.niangao): I gather that stamping residents as underage is sort of like creating a directory for paedophiles... so I can live with not knowing, and just assuming everybody I don't know is a minor.
[11:42] Zada Bury: 70s musi c become covered ^.^
[11:43] Blondin (blondin.linden): Qie has a good point. No so much as a directory for child abusers, but it would def label them for persecution
[11:44] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): yes
[11:44] Blondin (blondin.linden): but the concern is a valid one
[11:44] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin, can you think of a system thats in place already that could be modified somehow for this? anything at all?
[11:44] Blondin (blondin.linden): I get it. The same with teens being able to cam into M regions and buying content
[11:44] Zada Bury: I agree ... on other hand ... well all here have adult business, a lot content-creators ...
[11:44] Zada Bury: ... but some have also to do something wuth "social interacting"
[11:45] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): well, our kids already see all they want to see on their mobile-phones.....
[11:45] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Storyof Oh (18m)
[11:45] Zada Bury: Also to that, I agree, Sil.
[11:45] Zada Bury: But Mom&Dad of Lillte-Blilly wiill sue you, what you have talk with their brats.
[11:45] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): maybe its more a discussion about the law of California and US
[11:46] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): and a human with 16 is not more a child
[11:46] Blondin (blondin.linden): SO Zada - as a nonanswer to your question - I'm not aware of anything that would label a profile as teen/under 18 and I think Qie's suggestion of just assuming that everyone IS underage from the get go would be the safest bet for now
[11:46] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): so I see no topic about paedophils...
[11:47] Zada Bury: MAybe a warnign is possible if an undergae IM you, like the message "redident is offline"?
[11:47] Blondin (blondin.linden): IE, keep your communications professional until you know otherwise
[11:47] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): yes Blondin
[11:47] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Dancer Greenfield (2m)
[11:47] Sissy Blitz: they should be given a panic button if they are approached by preditors
[11:48] Zada Bury: It's ther... it'S called "abuse Report", Sissy.
[11:48] Sissy Blitz: other server use that technology
[11:48] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): teens will be the preditors...
[11:48] Qie (qie.niangao): it does appear that they'll be getting a teen-only refuge... although the name "Bonobos Isles" might use a re-think.
[11:48] Ginette Pinazzo: hahah whi coems up with these names!
[11:48] Blondin (blondin.linden): yes I saw that somewhere on twitter. Thats a dirty word or soemthing?
[11:49] Zada Bury: it's a pae ... or?
[11:49] Zada Bury: ape*
[11:49] Qie (qie.niangao): bonobos are a kind of hyper-sexual, hedonistic ape
[11:49] Storyof Oh: lollll
[11:49] Blondin (blondin.linden): fantastic. Name fail
[11:49] Couldbe (couldbe.yue): typical teen then
[11:49] Ginette Pinazzo: its obvisuly Cockney for something
[11:49] Blondin (blondin.linden): theres a music festival in the states called bonaroo
[11:50] Blondin (blondin.linden): not as bad as Burning Man
[11:50] Blondin (blondin.linden): but plenty of drug use
[11:50] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Melvin Starbrook (12m)
[11:50] Ginette Pinazzo: we have an acvtion item for this topic? anyoen going to tink of ideas? or do we just stay polite?
[11:50] Zada Bury: Well.. maybe something come up until next week ... whe should come to Qui's point, or? "Future Office Hours"
[11:51] Blondin (blondin.linden): they should just divid the G continent into 2 halves. Call one Team Edward and the other Team JAcob
[11:51] Qie (qie.niangao): I see from wikipedia that the bonobo is also an endangered species... which some of the teens can probably identify with
[11:51] Blondin (blondin.linden): let the chips fall where they may
[11:51] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): seems the Adult fears the Teens more than the Teens the ADult ;)
[11:51] Blondin (blondin.linden): ok. Last but not least agenda item
[11:51] Ginette Pinazzo: (looks for vinegar for chips)
[11:52] Couldbe (couldbe.yue): well wasn't the main preoccupation on the teen grid little armies fighting each other? team this and team that is probably suitable
[11:52] Blondin (blondin.linden): Qie had something to talk about
[11:53] Qie (qie.niangao): well, I just wanted to know if these hours are expected to continue, in light of the changes in communication policy
[11:53] Zada Bury: (( You have not to take care for around 90+ residents, which are in "social" communications, Sil. ))
[11:53] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): : ) )
[11:53] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Foxyfluff Byron (9m)
[11:54] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): that interesting Qie, didnt I pass something?
[11:54] Zada Bury: it's in the agenda: "From Michael's most recent (and last) office hour, it emerges that some Lindens are forbidden to hold office hours in future. What is the fate of these Zindra hours?"
[11:54] Blondin (blondin.linden): no immediate changes Qie
[11:54] Qie (qie.niangao): silvanus, I didn't see anything... I seem to be horribly chat-lagged, though
[11:55] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): ok ... my question is answere, ty Zada
[11:55] Qie (qie.niangao): okay, thanks Blondin.
[11:55] Blondin (blondin.linden): your welcome.
[11:55] Blondin (blondin.linden): :)
[11:56] Zada Bury: Well. someting new, you can tell us from the LAb, Blondin?
[11:56] Blondin (blondin.linden): something new???
[11:56] Blondin (blondin.linden): hmm...let me think
[11:56] Zada Bury: New-coffemaching from new boss ...
[11:57] Ginette Pinazzo: I know one burning question
[11:57] Dancer Greenfield: Who's gonna be fired next week?
[11:57] Blondin (blondin.linden): well - I'll be taking a trip out to HQ the week of the 31st. Not really the news your looking for but I"M excited by it
[11:58] Zada Bury: cool ... send us pictures.
[11:58] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): do you Twitter, Blondin?
[11:58] Ginette Pinazzo: remember to pack yoru lunch
[11:58] Melvin's Windup key: Melvin Starbrook's windup key has run out.
[11:58] Qie (qie.niangao): Is Rod Humble holding an "all hands" then, maybe?
[11:58] Blondin (blondin.linden): http://twitter.com/#!/BlondinLinden
[11:58] Storyof Oh: not calling people in to fire them i hope
[11:58] Blondin (blondin.linden): its not an All hands
[11:58] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): TY
[11:58] Qie (qie.niangao): oh
[11:58] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin, do you ahve answer to the burning question from 3 weeks ago?
[11:59] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: Entering chat range: Adorabella Felisimo (19m)
[12:01] Blondin (blondin.linden): so, there's been some debate over some dates to use Expo land. I told Lias before I left that I wanted to see her proposal for the Unzipped event by the time I got back or the dates would not be held
[12:02] Blondin (blondin.linden): It wasn't on the agenda. Nor is she here. But I haven't gotten a chance to go through all my emails yet so perhaps it's there waiting for me.
[12:02] Ginette Pinazzo: As the rules state, a proposal must be published for a minimum of one week before even submitting it. These things can't be rushed....
[12:02] Ginette Pinazzo: they had weeks to do it, but never have..and it suppsoed to be done publicly anyway
[12:03] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): and that reffers back to another topic: Quality standard on Zindra.....
[12:03] Sissy Blitz: The propsal will on this site at 3pm http://unzippedzindra2011.blogspot.com
[12:03] Ginette Pinazzo: We have a team of people who have worked hard and are very motivated to do the next ZEXPO right, and that's what this proposal is all about, and why it's been published for review for many weeks now.
[12:03] Foxyfluff Byron: I have a facebook. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000029179611
[12:03] Blondin (blondin.linden): I understand GInette. And today was the deadline I set.
[12:03] Blondin (blondin.linden): unfortuantely, it's 12 and I have to jet
[12:03] Blondin (blondin.linden): Thanks all
[12:04] Ginette Pinazzo: Lias never did a real proposla...and still has not.....we cant allow for this type of preferential treatment...shed had every chance
[12:04] Blondin (blondin.linden): ttyl!
[12:04] Dancer Greenfield: Off to dinner!
[12:04] Storyof Oh: thanks Blondin
[12:04] Qie (qie.niangao): thanks Blondin.
[12:04] Sissy Blitz: Thankyou Blondin
[12:04] Ginette Pinazzo: ciao
[12:04] Dancer Greenfield: Bye Blondin
[12:04] Ginette Pinazzo: and there he poofs
[12:04] Zada Bury: Oh ... I have Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/56721717@N08/
[12:04] slothful Sloth (silvanus.northman): I would like to be able to do this RL
[12:04] Ginette Pinazzo: oh Zada, whats that?
[12:04] Zada Bury: some else, who have something? ^.^
[12:05] Adorabella Felisimo: is anyone going to publish a transript of this meeting?
[12:05] Dancer Greenfield: His colleagues were tapping him on the shoulder
[12:05] Qie (qie.niangao): okay folks... I gotta run to RL... have fun folks.
[12:05] Zada Bury: Sissy a proposan, Foxy his Facebook, be Flickr ^.^
[12:05] Ginette Pinazzo: take care Q