Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ginette attempts to impose her rules on Counter's event

Counter proposed and received approval for a Snowman build event on the sim of Zindra for the Month of December. Ginette then send Counter and Blondin a notecard trying to tke control of the Snowman build event and make Counter say he will not recruit anyone for Zindra Alliance during his Zindra Alliance event.

Below is the full notecard from Gientte:

ZINDRA SIM (the boring part)
For those who don't recall, the discussions about Zindra sim (months ago!) were left in the following state: some people wanted marketing material there, some wanted events run regularly, others wanted informational content. In the end, Blondin decided to put informational content there first and then, after the Seasonal Island Events program began, he'd consider (maybe) a version of that Island events process adapted for smaller events on Zindra sim. There has not been consensus on doing regular events at Zindra sim YET. (managing many small events is a lot more complicated than 4 big ones in one year. Opinion: that process must be designed differently and will be harder to make work to keep the space free from abuse and subject to fair use)

HOLIDAY SPIRIT (the fun part)
What Id like to propose, for the sake of holiday spirit, is that we use the Zindra sim for the Naughty Snowman festival as Counter proposed, but also expanded as a Holiday party that is very open for everyone. (with the Snowman contest as a centerpiece, of course) I think the group needs this cheer after all the drama and crisis. I propose that these OH meetings are a chore and very unpleasant, and everyone would love a chance to relax and try to reconnect as friends or make new friends. I feel if the event can be truly 'neutral' (not an advert for ZA memberships, hint hint or other concerns) that we all get involved to make it as fun and inclusive as possible, with the caveat that we agree to hold off of any official 'Zindra sim' event process until after the holidays. I truly think designing a fair process for regular events at the sim will be a challenge, and we should not rush into it. besides, Zindra sim's fate is a little 'up in the air'. I suggest we take a breath, have fun for the holidays and agree to work a very fair system in 2011.

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