[10:59] Ginette Pinazzo: hi Force
[10:59] Forceme Silverspar: 'ello there, hiya Sissy.
[10:59] MystiTool HUD 1.0.21: Entering chat range: Zada Bury (8m)
[10:59] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Sissy
[10:59] Sissy Blitz: Hello Forceme :)
[10:59] Sissy Blitz: Hello Ginette :))
[10:59] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Zadz
[11:00] Zada Bury: heya all ^_^
[11:00] MystiTool HUD 1.0.21: Entering chat range: Qie Niangao (7m)
[11:00] Forceme Silverspar: HIy Zada
[11:00] Ginette Pinazzo: Zadz..where is my chocolate you shoudl have promised?
[11:00] Sissy Blitz: Hello Zada
[11:00] Zada Bury: ok ... who have tell Blondin, he should wait outside for the surprise party?
[11:01] Blondin Linden: ha
[11:01] Blondin Linden: did I spoil it?
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Blondin
[11:01] Zada Bury: may we have hide a Snowball for you ^.^
[11:01] Zada Bury: oh ... them >_<
[11:01] Blondin Linden: I unfortuantely, only have 30 minutes today
[11:01] Blondin Linden: so we should get to it
[11:02] Zada Bury: kk then we better hurry
[11:02] Blondin Linden: first and for most, I want to add that I'll be on holiday until Jan 10th
[11:02] Lias Leandros: Not many agenda items anyway
[11:02] Blondin Linden: So I wont be around :/
[11:02] Zada Bury: sad to hear ... enjoy your time
[11:02] Ginette Pinazzo: is there a plan for your absence?
[11:02] Dancer Greenfield: Holidays aren't sad
[11:03] Dancer Greenfield: Are they?
[11:03] Blondin Linden: Ill sync up with both GInette and Colleen about the their events sometime this week
[11:03] Blondin Linden: just to make sure everything is covered
[11:03] Blondin Linden: ok. First up on the agenda was Ginette's item
[11:03] Blondin Linden: ZEXPO 2011
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: yes....have you glanmced over it Blondin? that will make this faster if yo did
[11:04] Blondin Linden: very quickly I looked at it
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: ok..Ill try to sum up.....
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: Past April, we had ZEXPO 2010...(which stands for Zindra Expo...for those who have forgotten!)......a truly miraculous event that was miraculous that it happened at all...... Despite many challenges, including a competing event 2 weeks before, and mind-boggling planning setbacks, ZEXPO 2010 happened. Many of those involved in that spectacle have been involved with this proposal, a proposal thats sets out to do 3 things:........
[11:05] Ginette Pinazzo: 1. to do it right, which means without all of the problems from last time.....(keeping it no-stress and fun. This is achieved by ample planning time and a friendly, teamwork attitude)...
[11:05] Ginette Pinazzo: 2. to make it unique. Because events on the zexpo Island must be very unique to get approval (unique enough people will age verofy to come to them from all over). I believe this proposal is very unique indeed.....
[11:05] Ginette Pinazzo: 3. to reach out and draw new talent into the show, from all over Zindra AND beyond, to expand the talent pool so we can have real growth.............
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: I wont read all of this...just the highlights (to be fast)
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: CONCEPT......
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: A showcase of the passion, talent and entrepreneurial spirit of Zindra, this year's ZEXPO will blend education with entertainment, play with shopping, artistic exhibition with inspirational messages, to give visitors a positive and exciting impression of SL's 'adult continent'. An island packed with things to see, do and experience, ZEXPO 2011 will maintain a healthy and engaging message, to encourage guests to learn, indulge and become involved in everything Zindra has to offer.......
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: Ill next mentiona few of the features of the proposal, unless you bhave an early comment now Blondin....
[11:07] Blondin Linden: nope, go for it
[11:07] Ginette Pinazzo: MESSAGE...... The team will draft a 'show message' that is positive and we will do our best to adhere to that message in every aspect of the event. Our goal is to use this message as a standard for marketing, content and public relations.......
[11:08] Ginette Pinazzo: ISLAND LAYOUT...... Designers will be utilized to plan a beautiful layout, that integrates all aspects of ZEXPO into a fluid environment, with intuitive pathways that encourage moving traffic and expose visitors to everything the show offers. An effort will be made to attract 'famous' designer(s) to do the layout (which is something we can cross promote) No arbitrary divisions, but a layout based on intuitive exploration. Exhibitors will have many options regarding display areas, and may even be present at multiple locations depending upon display types. We may have some 'design' standards available for all Exhibitors so their individual displays relate (in some way) to the overall layout, to allow for a consistent 'show look''......
[11:08] Ginette Pinazzo: (we will solicit from all ovber SL to get the best design ideas froma 'name' designer)
[11:08] Ginette Pinazzo: EXHIBITORS...... Every possible type of exhibitor will be accommodated for ZEXPO 2011, with the following 'types' as examples: Entertainers, Educators, Merchants, Play Areas, Visual Artists, etc If we discover an Exhibitor who does not 'fit' our categories, we will create a new category. Our plan will be one of a inclusiveness, a 'can-do' attitude....... Exhibitors will have the option to choose multiple types (when relevant) and have multiple displays to highlight those specific aspects of their business/message....... Example: Happy Heather's might have a spot to sell custom rocking chairs, and also a mini-park set up where people can play on those chairs, and also a stage where they do a live show, involving those chairs. (Exhibitors will also be able to book 'event time' as part of their options)......
[11:09] MystiTool HUD 1.0.21: Entering chat range: diedo Loopen (19m)
[11:09] Ginette Pinazzo: RADIO...... We will create a custom ZEXPO radio station with exclusive ZEXPO and Zindra-related commercials, for use during the event AND available to anyone who wants to use the stream in the weeks leading up to the event. We will also offer commercial spots to any Exhibitors.......
[11:09] Ginette Pinazzo: PRE PARTIES...... We will encourage many 'pre parties' hosted by any interested Exhibitors at their own location in the weeks leading up to the event, to increase interest and involvement. Our team will provide basic pre-party decor, ZEXPO themed items and a good cross promotional opportunity for these parties.......
[11:09] Ginette Pinazzo: SHOW GUIDE...... The ZEXPO 2011 Ultimate Guide will contain every attraction, event and promotion connected to the show and this publication will be available at least 1 week (hopefully more) before show start. Any last-minute changes will be on an addendum that exists online and at the show Landing Point.......
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: and this ;last part is my personal favourite.........
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: HOTELS...... Just like any convention or trade show, it's fun to travel and stay at special accomodations near the show. We will try to start a new idea: finding 'SL hotels' that will create special rooms, across the water, for Zexpo guests to book in advance. Hotel guests will be able to ride a ferry (or some vehicle) across the water to the show, and booking a hotel room might also include special benefits at the show. This could become avery fun part of ZEXPO! (everyone knows the fun parties happen in the hotels)......
[11:10] Dancer Greenfield: Haha
[11:10] MystiTool HUD 1.0.21: Entering chat range: Counter Landfall (19m)
[11:10] Dancer Greenfield: I like that too
[11:11] Ginette Pinazzo: so far we have about 8 committed team members, who have longe xperience with events including most from last zexpo....
[11:11] Ginette Pinazzo: FIN
[11:11] Forceme Silverspar: Bravo!
[11:11] Ginette Pinazzo: thats your highlights
[11:11] Zada Bury: Sounds funny
[11:11] MystiTool HUD 1.0.21: Entering chat range: AdoraBella Avro (18m)
[11:11] Counter Landfall: Hi everyone
[11:11] Blondin Linden: any questions from the group?
[11:11] Dancer Greenfield: There were a lot of problems last year, I hope we can learn from them
[11:11] Dancer Greenfield: My main question is: when?
[11:11] Dancer Greenfield: and how long?
[11:11] Counter Landfall accepted your inventory offer.
[11:11] Blondin Linden: i think when is TBA
[11:11] Dancer Greenfield: Last year was 10 days, wasn't it?
[11:11] Ginette Pinazzo: in nmentions in the proposal perhaps 2 weeks duration
[11:11] AdoraBella Avro: I have a personal request for Blondin
[11:12] Qie Niangao: So, what are the related action items to come from this meeting? And what is the process for establishing a date?
[11:12] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin..Ill say this..this proposal is fully finished (outside any changes of course)...I think that its ready to go asap
[11:12] Zada Bury: Maybe a bit longer this year? the showcase? a lot doing much work for builds on the event ... and if it not collides with an other event on the island ...?
[11:13] Blondin Linden: well, I think the action item is to take the time to read through the proposal and make comments
[11:13] Dancer Greenfield: We decide the dates in this round, don't we?
[11:13] Ginette Pinazzo: no..the dates are alwasy negotiated with LL...thats in the Island propsoal proccess
[11:13] Blondin Linden: we'll figure out some dates
[11:13] Blondin Linden: im not to worrried about it
[11:14] Dancer Greenfield: My preference is for early April, but AFTER April 3rd
[11:14] Lias Leandros: haha
[11:14] Qie Niangao: well... but this can drift on for months and months if there's no anchor set on the calendar.
[11:14] Ginette Pinazzo: last zexspo was in April
[11:14] Counter Landfall: it was not
[11:14] Lias Leandros: Unzipped is April
[11:14] Counter Landfall: it was in May
[11:14] Blondin Linden: well, i think April is taken :/
[11:14] MystiTool HUD 1.0.21: Entering chat range: Foxyfluff Byron (4m)
[11:14] Ginette Pinazzo: I say events that have proposals shoudl carry weight , Blondin.......to be fair....ther cant be any 'reserving' of land without that
[11:15] Zada Bury: May we can have on the Wiki-Page also soem "event-plan"?
[11:15] Dancer Greenfield: April 3rd is daylight savings change for Australia/NZ... it would be good to avoid that
[11:15] Ginette Pinazzo: unzipped is tentative.......
[11:15] Lias Leandros: every event proposed has a proposal
[11:15] Lias Leandros: here is the timeline
[11:15] Zada Bury: so we see also to other events , which are there ... like the "bedfair" and so on
[11:15] Lias Leandros: and you can touch it and get the notecard version
[11:16] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin, if you let peoepl reserve land without actual full proposals, it preferebtial treatment...just saying
[11:16] Blondin Linden: in the name of time, I think we should move on
[11:16] Ginette Pinazzo: bed fair is tentative, as is unzipped
[11:16] Lias Leandros: Unzipped has a full proposal and the URL is listed in Blondin's wiki
[11:16] Blondin Linden: bc the isssue of schedule is important for the Unzipped team as well
[11:16] Dancer Greenfield: Is Unzipped official yet? I didn't think the proposal is ready yet
[11:16] Lias Leandros: nice try Ginette
[11:16] Zada Bury: (( rezzing))
[11:16] Lias Leandros: Dancer
[11:16] Ginette Pinazzo: lias..its not 'nice try'...how dare you
[11:16] Lias Leandros: you cannot step on the dates of other's events and consider yourself being right
[11:16] Lias Leandros: such nonsense
[11:17] Dancer Greenfield: Unzipped can't fix a date until after the proposal is ready
[11:17] Ginette Pinazzo: you are the one who steps....now dont do this in public
[11:17] Lias Leandros: Why would you choose the dates proposed by Unzipped when there are months not being used there?
[11:17] Lias Leandros: its just trouble making
[11:17] MystiTool HUD 1.0.21: Entering chat range: Evelynn Kidd (19m)
[11:17] Blondin Linden: Lias, Im looking at your timeline and right away, I noitce you're going to have to push back the first two dates
[11:17] Counter Landfall: we can fix it enough to say we need the sims for april month
[11:17] Ginette Pinazzo: unzipped did not even do a propsoal yet! thats a fact
[11:17] Lias Leandros: Ok Blondin
[11:17] Lias Leandros: thats not an issue
[11:17] Counter Landfall: is that presise enough for you?
[11:18] Lias Leandros: anyone can touch the board and get the draft of the timeline
[11:18] Ginette Pinazzo: I saw their 'proposal'...its a bare outlione.......
[11:18] Dancer Greenfield: We can discuss Unzipped's dates next year, there's no rush
[11:18] Lias Leandros: 5 Minute auto return:-)
[11:18] AdoraBella Avro: very true, lets move on please
[11:18] Lias Leandros: We are discussing all events for 2011 Now Dancer
[11:18] MystiTool HUD 1.0.21: Entering chat range: Kimiko Yiyuan (8m)
[11:19] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin.....they even chnaged the name of their evnent to cause mroe confusion...this is unacceptable
[11:19] Lias Leandros: Since Zexpo is just a copy of the planning that COunter developed anyway
[11:19] Lias Leandros: Ginette comeon
[11:19] Lias Leandros: COunter developed this event
[11:19] Ginette Pinazzo: it was Zindra Unzipped...now its Unzipped Zindra Expo...I have ALREADY heard from peoepl are confusd
[11:19] Kimiko Yiyuan: Hello all.
[11:19] Lias Leandros: Ginete this was proposed before Zexpo
[11:19] Zada Bury: Welcome Kimiko
[11:19] Lias Leandros: two tiumes in a row
[11:19] Foxyfluff Byron waves to Kimiko
[11:19] Lias Leandros: and you decided to propose zexpo anyway
[11:19] Dancer Greenfield: Unzipped hasn't even been planned yet... let's put off the discussion till next year
[11:20] Ginette Pinazzo: it was discussed but never proposed...we need have procedure for a reason
[11:20] Kimiko Yiyuan waves back
[11:20] Lias Leandros: after this was proposed first
[11:20] Lias Leandros: No one wants your dates foryour events
[11:20] Dancer Greenfield: Zexpo is proposed, Unzipped is still in the early planning stages
[11:20] Qie Niangao: so anyway: what do we want from Blondin as an action for the Unzipped agenda item?
[11:20] Lias Leandros: no
[11:20] Lias Leandros: uzipped was prposed a month ago before you proposed Zexpo
[11:20] Lias Leandros: look at the trabnscripts
[11:20] Ginette Pinazzo: lias ...you are dead wrong as usual.....go l,ookm up 'tentative'
[11:21] Second Life: Your object 'Unzipped Zindra Time Line (A)' has been returned to your inventory lost and found folder by Governor Linden from parcel 'Kama City Municipal Park' at Bronlen 120, 215 due to parcel auto return.
[11:21] Lias Leandros: That does not mena you try to take the dates
[11:21] Lias Leandros: thats not nice
[11:21] Sissy Blitz: Ginette dont be to disrespectful
[11:21] Ginette Pinazzo: Sissy.. dont turn this on me...I know what i am talking about
[11:21] Lias Leandros: Blondin we have an actual timeline
[11:21] Qie Niangao: seriously: if there's no action expected, shall we skip to the *next* item?
[11:21] Ginette Pinazzo: a timeline is not a proposal
[11:21] AdoraBella Avro: you guys have fun, see ya
[11:21] Lias Leandros: yes I aree Qie
[11:22] Lias Leandros: a proposal without a timeline is not a proposal
[11:22] Zada Bury: well, for today next item, or? 8 minutes left
[11:22] Dancer Greenfield: I don't want to discuss dates now, but since Unzipped seems similar to Zexpo how about having it 6 months after Zexpo? That way we can have spring and fall shows
[11:22] Blondin Linden: ok. Here is what we are going do
[11:22] Lias Leandros: Zexpo is the same as Unzipped because COunter developed Unzipped before Zexpo
[11:22] Counter Landfall: why don't we just let her have it. so she can claim LL gave her 4 sims for her private use
[11:23] Lias Leandros: not at all COunter
[11:23] Ginette Pinazzo: the island process is very specific....you have not even come close to it...besides, you openly hated it anyway........so whats the confusion? doa propeor proposal THEN submit...thats the order
[11:23] Counter Landfall: that is how you act Ginette
[11:23] Lias Leandros: I have the website made
[11:23] Lias Leandros: and the positions developed
[11:23] Lias Leandros: and the timeline
[11:23] Ginette Pinazzo: pribate use? plea.se......who wants to have ZA evenst on LL land? thats private
[11:23] Lias Leandros: that follows Ginette's guidelines
[11:24] Blondin Linden: I'm going to hold the dates tentativly for the Unzipped event as long as I have a proosal that looks like what we've outlined by the time I get back from Holiday. You have a lot of the infomation already but are missing a few things I would like to see. Also, I'd like to see it all on one page so I don't have to hunt around for it .
[11:24] Counter Landfall: Ginette, let me be very private with you for a change and tell you why I dont have the time to sit in SL these days.
[11:24] Counter Landfall: MY fater is dying
[11:24] Blondin Linden: http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/zexpo-island-seasonal-events-campaign
[11:24] Counter Landfall: I dont have the time to sit and make proposals
[11:24] Blondin Linden: That link is what I'd like to see.
[11:24] Lias Leandros: Ok Blondin' thank you
[11:24] Ginette Pinazzo: then thats too bad counter..Im sorry about that....but that how things get donme in a responsible way
[11:24] Counter Landfall: so you yeild a couple more weeks, ok
[11:25] Zada Bury: I think there is nothing for "private use" ... and sorry to hear, Counter.
[11:25] Ginette Pinazzo: there counter...youve gotteneven more preferential treatment...enjoy
[11:25] Lias Leandros: With the snowman build COunter had RL and passed it to Colleen and then Colleen had issues and asked that some of us help and we did
[11:25] Counter Landfall: thanks
[11:25] Lias Leandros: so there shows community helping one another
[11:26] Blondin Linden: If I get back and dont see proposal like its outlined on the link above, then the time slot will go to the next event, which is the Zexpo
[11:26] Blondin Linden: Also, keep the name Unzipped
[11:26] Counter Landfall: and now you know what the RL issue was
[11:26] Blondin Linden: just to keep things simple
[11:26] Blondin Linden: please
[11:26] Lias Leandros: I think we have established a good working relationship with quite few residents - And we did not include anyone that is not a Zindran in the event
[11:26] Blondin Linden: Thanks
[11:26] Ginette Pinazzo: yes do not change your event to Unzipped Zindra Expo...thats causes public confusion
[11:26] Blondin Linden: next item
[11:26] Blondin Linden: Designer Slideshow Kiosks
[11:26] Lias Leandros: Its nt confusion when he came up with a Expo event last year anyway
[11:26] Ginette Pinazzo: lias...change the name asap
[11:27] Lias Leandros: lol
[11:27] Ginette Pinazzo: Bloindin, that item can wait in the interst of time
[11:27] MystiTool HUD 1.0.21: Entering chat range: Arthas Scorpio (8m)
[11:27] Lias Leandros: Blondin Colleen could not be here but can you turn build off on Zindra?
[11:27] Blondin Linden: thanks GInette
[11:28] Blondin Linden: And the last item Im going to skip bc there is no name assciated with it
[11:28] Ginette Pinazzo: yes, whats with the anonymus agenda item? haha
[11:28] Lias Leandros: Oh Im sorry that was me
[11:28] Lias Leandros: Ill add it in January
[11:28] Ginette Pinazzo: haha
[11:28] Blondin Linden: kk thanks
[11:28] Lias Leandros: haha
[11:28] Blondin Linden: alright all
[11:28] Lias Leandros: have a good holiday Blondin
[11:29] Ginette Pinazzo: cioa Blondin
[11:29] Forceme Silverspar: Byebye
[11:29] Zada Bury: enjoy the holiday ...
[11:29] Blondin Linden: Ginette and Colleen, who isnt here, I'll be in touch
[11:29] Blondin Linden: Thanks all!
[11:29] Zada Bury: ... we will miss you.
[11:29] Dancer Greenfield: Bye Blondin
[11:29] Dancer Greenfield: Have a good time
[11:29] Ginette Pinazzo: ah...30 minutes isnt so bad, bow is it? ugh
[11:29] Kimiko Yiyuan: Bye Blondin.
[11:29] Counter Landfall: Bye and a Merry Christmas to you Blondin
[11:29] Zada Bury: (( is it safe now to take the protection hat off? ))
[11:29] Kimiko Yiyuan: Happy Holidays
[11:29] Evelynn Kidd: when will the next meeting be?
[11:29] Foxyfluff Byron: Mele Kalikimaka
[11:29] Zada Bury: 10 jan
[11:29] Counter Landfall: next year I guess
[11:30] Dancer Greenfield: I'm surprised we had a meeting at all today in Christmas week
[11:30] Zada Bury: for these who have miss: "[11:02] Blondin Linden: first and for most, I want to add that I'll be on holiday until Jan 10th"
[11:30] Qie Niangao: So, Lias, are you taking the ball for munging the Unzipped info into the Standard Approved Format?
[11:31] Lias Leandros: yes
[11:31] Lias Leandros: I will try
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Adult Verification advertised as a Premium Perk only
TRANSCRIPT for the November 29th 2010 Community Meeting with Blondin
[10:53] Qie Niangao: Agenda notwithstanding, I'd like to ask a quick yes-or-no question: Will there be some special content filtering ability to prevent the 16- and 17-year olds from seeing and interacting with non-General-rated content on adjacent, Adult- or Mature-rated sims? (I don't want to spend time discussing details, I just think it's a burning question for many.)
[10:54] colleen Criss: I vote no
[10:54] colleen Criss: hello Hypatia
[10:55] Hypatia Meili: Hi everyone
[10:55] Qie Niangao: Hi Hypatia
[10:55] Lias Leandros: well I a not sure that is an agenda concern Qie
[10:55] Lias Leandros: Hi Hypatia
[10:55] colleen Criss: its not on agenda
[10:55] Lias Leandros: its not a Zindra concern I meant
[10:55] colleen Criss: and will not be solved in this OH
[10:56] Lias Leandros: 'begging Linden Lab to further isolate us from the consumers does not sound like we are going in the right direction
[10:56] Lias~ AKEYO_PowerAO_PricelessGirl-SloMo_HUD (v 1.9): Typing override: Off
[10:56] Lias~ AKEYO_PowerAO_PricelessGirl-SloMo_HUD (v 1.9): Sit anywhere: On
[10:56] Qie Niangao: Well, that's just it: it's not on the agenda. but if folks don't want me to ask it, I won't ask it. It's very tangentially related to Zindra, inasmuch as, at present, Adult sims on Estates can have General sims adjacent... so could in theory set up Shared Media peep shows for the youngsters, across the sim border.
[10:56] Hypatia Meili: further isolate? dont know what your discusing bu that does not sound good
[10:57] colleen Criss: Q Id take those concerns directly to the LAB
[10:57] Lias Leandros: But Qie, we dont represent parent groups
[10:57] colleen Criss: thats thier baby
[10:57] Lias Leandros: what do we care if teens see porn in SL?
[10:57] colleen Criss: as we see we wont change thier minds on it but good luck
[10:57] Qie Niangao: we care because it's something the Estates can do that Zindra can't
[10:58] Qie Niangao: unless the estates *can't*
[10:58] Lias Leandros: So crippling estates to the level that we are crippled wont help us
[10:58] colleen Criss: they can go to A and age verified for an extra safety measure now but thats about it and NOT a solution
[10:58] Silvanus Northman: Hi all together
[10:58] Qie Niangao: okay, fuck it then.
[10:59] colleen Criss: hello Sil, Bady
[10:59] Bady Boozehound: Hello party people !
[11:00] Zada Bury: greetings around
[11:00] Hypatia Meili: both curent vefication methods suck , but i would recomend blocking one or th other or requiring both
[11:00] colleen Criss: hello Zada
[11:00] Lias Leandros: It's hard to cover the first agenda item aboutthe Holiday Message from the Zindra SIm if Counter is not here since he is th eone approved to develop the Holiday ebent on ZIndra this year
[11:00] Qie Niangao: kind of out of lead time for that event, seems to me
[11:00] Silvanus Northman: Hi Blondin
[11:00] Hypatia Meili: might as well close down then
[11:00] Qie Niangao: Hi Blondin
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: he has not been approved because he did not do a proposal....anywya. the agenda item stands
[11:01] Hypatia Meili: Hi Blondin
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Blonmdin
[11:01] Lias Leandros: he has been approved
[11:01] colleen Criss: hello Blondin
[11:01] Lias Leandros: period
[11:01] Lias Leandros: and you cannot just say you will now develop a holiday messaage on the sim of Zindra because you wantto
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: ni lias...wromg again..read the wiki
[11:01] colleen Criss: shall we dig up the text of Blondin telling him he was approved for the event Gina?
[11:01] Blondin Linden: hi all. Looks like Im walking into the middle of it!
[11:01] colleen Criss: it exists
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: you dotn even know my message yet so relax
[11:02] Lias Leandros: You ghave no right to make one for the sim of Zindra
[11:02] colleen Criss: ok lets get to this huh
[11:02] Ginette Pinazzo: whatever.....how was yoru holiday Blondin?
[11:02] Lias Leandros: you are pouncing on Counter's small event
[11:02] Blondin Linden: well lets get started
[11:02] Lias Leandros: when you should be concenbtrating on your large event
[11:03] Hypatia Meili: can i ask if you will be at your other OH this week?
[11:03] Blondin Linden: Im gunna work right down the list since I didnt update it last week due to my canceling the OH
[11:03] Zada Bury: So, how are you this week, Blondin?
[11:03] Zada Bury: heya Blondin.#
[11:03] Blondin Linden: Yeah I think so Hypa
[11:03] Hypatia Meili: ok :)
[11:03] Blondin Linden: 1) Zindra Sim Holiday Message
[11:03] Ginette Pinazzo: we are finally reaching out across Zindra and beyond.....we need ot keep this meetings professional......one agenda item ata time
[11:03] Ginette Pinazzo: ok Im ready with my message
[11:03] Ginette Pinazzo: its hort.......
[11:03] Blondin Linden: Is this still an issue? Was it time sensitive for Thanksgiving?
[11:03] Ginette Pinazzo: *short!
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: Originally my message was more complex, because of the Zindar Sim issue etc. But as its practically December already, time to plan anything is almost nonexistant......so here is my very simplified message.....
[11:04] Lias Leandros: unbelievable
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: I suggest we set aside one of these Monday OH meetings as a Holiday party.....(pick a date) ........no meeting...no agenda...just a party...but Blondin will still need to show up!............
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: I think the group needs this cheer after all the drama and crisis. I think for many people, these OH meetings are a chore and very unpleasant, and many of us would love a chance to relax and try to reconnect as friends or make new friends......
[11:04] Qie Niangao: Blondin, I think it just has to be ready to go by the time Winterfest starts.
[11:05] Ginette Pinazzo: A chance to 'unwind' and celebrate the progress we have made and to think positively about next year. .......
[11:05] Ginette Pinazzo: FIN
[11:06] Qie Niangao: That's fine, Ginette, just has nothing to do with the agenda topic. So, I presume we're still on for the snowman contest, once Counter gets back.
[11:06] Blondin Linden: I think a party sounds nice :) Maybe we should hear from the ZA and see what they had in mind for the snowman building contest. I know they wanted it to be a bit more involved than just that.
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: no Qie..that IS my agenda topic
[11:06] Blondin Linden: and then tie the party into that
[11:07] Qie Niangao: Okay, that's fine then. I assume Counter has his plans underway.
[11:07] Lias Leandros: I will suugest a 'grab bag' script to Counter - where we all can drop gifts and then people can touch and randomly receive a 'present'
[11:07] Ginette Pinazzo: its already Dec, bascially...and counter has said he wont doa proposal for the snowman contest...at last meeting anyway
[11:07] Lias Leandros: like those dumsters
[11:07] Blondin Linden: lets wait and see what Counter and the ZA have pulled togehter.
[11:07] Lias Leandros: OK
[11:07] Ginette Pinazzo: all I am saying is that we do one of these Monday meetings as a simple party
[11:07] colleen Criss: believes Blondin did not require one
[11:08] Qie Niangao: Thanks. Blondin.
[11:08] Ginette Pinazzo: read the wiki colleen
[11:08] Blondin Linden: what do people think about that? setting aside a meeting in 2 weeks for a party?
[11:08] colleen Criss: again I do not recall Blondin asking for one
[11:08] Lias Leandros: Ginette how about using the grab bag idea where we all drop a gift and get a gift?
[11:08] Blondin Linden: ie - no agenda, just dancing
[11:08] colleen Criss: this has nothing to do with the islands
[11:08] Lias Leandros: oh
[11:09] Qie Niangao: Sounds good to me, Blondin... or maybe a little later, depending on your schedule, to coincide with the Winterfest stuff.
[11:09] Lias Leandros: I thought that agenda item mentioned the sim of ZIndra - I apoligize
[11:09] Ginette Pinazzo: I thinka simple party for this group would help.......dancing, drinking, etc
[11:09] Lias Leandros: what about the grab bag Ginette?
[11:09] colleen Criss: Id contribute to a grab bag its a nice idea
[11:10] Lias Leandros: Ginette refuses to acknowledge me
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: a grab bag for a party here? why not
[11:10] Lias Leandros: next agenda item then please
[11:10] Blondin Linden: Ok. So how about MOnday the 10th - instead of an OH here, we meet over on Zindra or somewhere, set some music and have a party
[11:10] Lias Leandros: so just give Blondin the grab bag and he can drop it here
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin...are you interested in thsi idea..to choose a OH date to have a party?
[11:11] Blondin Linden: I'll turn Rez on so it'll BYOP (Bring your own Prims)
[11:11] Ginette Pinazzo: (marks calendar)..soudsn good to me
[11:11] Lias Leandros: then we can fill it at each meeting until the day its available to take stuff from it
[11:11] Silvanus Northman: : )
[11:11] colleen Criss: I can make a santa bag for it
[11:12] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin., my ORIGINAL holiday message DID relate to the Zindra Sim etc ...but as counter never proposed..thats why I simplfied the message...if he IS still trying to move forward, I will wanmt to amke that full message anotehr time
[11:12] Blondin Linden: So the next item is on there 2X
[11:12] Blondin Linden: 2) Zindra Expo Group Charte
[11:12] Blondin Linden: So I took a look at both GInette's and Lias' suggestions.
[11:12] Ginette Pinazzo: A few weeks ago, I presented an updated charter for the Zindra Expo group, written in conjunction with about 12 other members......
[11:13] Lias Leandros: and it was not good
[11:13] Ginette Pinazzo: thsat is your opinion Lias.....many otehrs disagree with you
[11:13] Blondin Linden: Ginette's felt a little too community based/driven for what I had in mind and Lias' sounded a little....sterile? perhaps? Im not sure. Just kinda technical. So I kinda tried to merge the two
[11:13] Lias Leandros: There is no Linden run resident volunteer program on the grid anymore
[11:13] colleen Criss: listens to Blondin
[11:14] Ginette Pinazzo: lias...your opinion is biased as youve been acvtively trying to diminish this group and even troll it to get peoepl to switch over tyo ZA....public record
[11:14] Blondin Linden: Zindra Expo is a group for residents to join as they plan and host events on the Expo Island, found at the four corners of Distrel, Girenzi, Jaraded and Tramboyn. The purpose of the group is to 1) grant temporary land rights to Residents working
[11:14] Blondin Linden: on approved events using the land and 2) act as a communication tool for the dispersal of information. Please feel free to join the group to get updates on and to participate in Zindra events.
[11:14] Qie Niangao: Sounds good to me.
[11:14] Blondin Linden: ...thoughts?
[11:14] colleen Criss: stop you 2p lease or cryng outloud
[11:15] Lias Leandros: sterile= clear that it is not to be used for residents to recruit residents in order to send out their personal take on Zindra community issues
[11:15] Zada Bury: the merge sounds good
[11:15] Ginette Pinazzo: I think its far too limiiting, Blondin....and will become a real nightmare later
[11:15] Lias Leandros: ZINDRA EVENTS
[11:15] Bady Boozehound: If it fits in the group charter^^ Agreed.
[11:15] colleen Criss: works great
[11:15] Ginette Pinazzo: bhut its yoru group, Blondin
[11:15] Lias Leandros: Events on Linden owned Land
[11:15] Blondin Linden: I took a look at the group charter as it curretly stands
[11:15] Lias Leandros: not just Zindra events
[11:16] Blondin Linden: and its just the next event and the slurls for my OH
[11:16] Ginette Pinazzo: teh charter is outdated anyway....
[11:16] Hypatia Meili: sounds to me like what has been going on in the group share news and events
[11:16] Lias Leandros: share news and events for things that happen on Linden owned land
[11:16] Ginette Pinazzo: tyhis group can and already ahs doen more than just zexpo iusland events....limiting it is what ZA members want and wil limit all progress
[11:16] Hypatia Meili: you know regardless unles blondin expresly forbids it expo group wil still funbction as a defacto comunity group be cause it is fulof comunity members
[11:16] Qie Niangao: Lias? You mean Linden events on other continents?
[11:16] Lias Leandros: not resident owned land in Zindra
[11:17] Lias Leandros: if you just state ZINDRA EVENTS it will be exploited and presented to people as THE event group for Zindra
[11:17] Silvanus Northman: I think the message should say that this group is a place to speak and plan together with Linden
[11:17] Ginette Pinazzo: I urge to reconsider this limiting charter, Blondin
[11:17] Silvanus Northman: in less and clear words
[11:17] colleen Criss: agrees on that point Lias
[11:17] Lias Leandros: and as Ginette likes to say - it will be presented as the TRUSTED ZIndra event group because it is owned by a Linden
[11:17] Ginette Pinazzo: I agree Silvanus...we hav real opportunity here........that wont be possible with a limited charter
[11:17] Bady Boozehound: Though i think 'for residents to join as they plan and host events' sounds like too much responsibility for many people to join :-)
[11:18] Lias Leandros: yes a realopportunity to exploit the group for your own agenda
[11:18] Silvanus Northman: yes Bady
[11:18] colleen Criss: lol well if they want to use the islands they need to join and be responsible huh
[11:18] Silvanus Northman: a message on an equal leven to the residents would be fine
[11:18] Hypatia Meili: to share news on & to conect in order too? ??
[11:18] Bady Boozehound: Yes ... everyone who volunteers to be a greeter at an event should feel like a host, right colleen^^
[11:18] Ginette Pinazzo: its not my agenda...and I am tired of hearinmg that accusation
[11:19] Lias Leandros: I usge you to add the words "Linden -owned Land" in the charter Blondin
[11:19] Lias Leandros: be honest and clear
[11:19] Ginette Pinazzo: if you cared about Zindra...youd care about the growth of ZE AS WELL as resident-run groups....but you obviosuly dont
[11:19] Lias Leandros: Lindens are not running event groups on the mainland
[11:19] Qie Niangao: look, if it's a Linden owned group, a Linden calls the shots. anybody can make any ol' community group they want, outside the Linden group.
[11:19] colleen Criss: they sponsor not run the events
[11:19] Bady Boozehound: How about you just leave the group charter blank ? I don't think too many people care about group charters anyway ... and it seems it's only causing trouble :-)
[11:19] Lias Leandros: Did you see the notecard that Ginette sends out recruiting people for the Zexpo group?
[11:20] Lias Leandros: it clearly mis represents the group and its purpose
[11:20] Lias Leandros: enough of that
[11:20] colleen Criss: yes it does
[11:20] Hypatia Meili: we can use it to share news on zindra related stuff tho can't we ?
[11:20] Blondin Linden: Interesting idea Bady :)
[11:20] Lias Leandros: you can use any group to talk if you are a member and the officers allow idele chatter
[11:20] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin....without getting personal (I wont)...its clear from precedence that lias and ZA have been trying to undermine ZE anywya.....isnt this an issue regarding motive? Why not allow for resident runs grous AND ZE to coexist? andf grow?
[11:21] Lias Leandros: thats not the same as exploiting a group becausethe founder is a Linden
[11:21] colleen Criss: ZA does not belong to Lias
[11:21] Lias Leandros: Ginette do you still have that ZEXPO group recruitment notecard you have been sending out?
[11:22] Silvanus Northman: just 'keep it simple' I think
[11:22] Lias Leandros: that answers your question about why the charter has to be CLEAR
[11:22] colleen Criss: I likely have it somewhere
[11:22] Ginette Pinazzo: as I saud....if you CARE about Zuindar for real, ytoud support ZE growing too
[11:22] Hypatia Meili: well expo group is made up of "zindra members" so it becomes a place to share Zindra info
[11:22] Hypatia Meili: i do not see what we would wan to prevent that
[11:22] Blondin Linden: Ginette - I want them to coexist, I do. But I understand how a group formed by a Linden and another one that isn't might look to someone who wants to pick 1 group over another. I just want to be fair
[11:22] Lias Leandros: This was not an issue until you Ginette started misrepresenting teh group for your own gain
[11:22] Ginette Pinazzo: since you have been trying to stop ZE initiatves from day one...(since zewxpo ended)......how can you be taken seriosuly as ZE supporter?
[11:22] colleen Criss: I do support all resident groups , this group is for use of linden lab land
[11:23] Lias Leandros: when we see obvious exploitations - its only smart to close the exploit before it gets out of hand
[11:23] Hypatia Meili: donot need to pick one ots a news and info outlet can be more then one
[11:23] Blondin Linden: I'll take another crack at the charter but Bady's idea of leaving it blank is looking real good :)
[11:23] Ginette Pinazzo: I agree with the Linden Land part...siure.......but not just for events, Blondin
[11:23] Blondin Linden: ok - moving on
[11:23] Qie Niangao: I don't see why ZEXPO *needs* to be more than a land-management group for the expo sims, and spin-off a separate, non-Linden group for all the community stuff.
[11:23] Ginette Pinazzo: exploiutations?????
[11:23] Blondin Linden: 3) Podyan / Zindra name switch
[11:23] Hypatia Meili: becaus peopel ar already in it
[11:23] Lias Leandros: a clear charter stating its a group for residents to join to propose, engage in and get information about ZIndra events on LINDEN OWNED LAND is the best way to stop the group from being exploited for anything else
[11:24] colleen Criss: agrees good idea really
[11:24] Ginette Pinazzo: accuse me of explooitation aga9in and thats it
[11:24] colleen Criss: this groups charter was fine to begin with
[11:24] Bady Boozehound: Let me guess ... you didn't hear anything about the name switch so far, Blondin ?^^
[11:24] Lias Leandros: and that's it?
[11:24] Lias Leandros: lol
[11:24] Blondin Linden: still no update but before we swtich the names (if we do) I want the moles to finish making the current podyan look nice and to add Verification information for new users
[11:24] colleen Criss: STOP
[11:24] colleen Criss: good lord please
[11:24] Lias Leandros: So you will add the kiosksthere in a Mature sim Blondin?
[11:25] Qie Niangao: (frankly, I'm not too sure switching the names is still a good idea)
[11:25] Ginette Pinazzo: yous top colleen...you are not the chair
[11:25] colleen Criss: nor are you !
[11:25] Lias Leandros: are you talking about Colleen's kiosk or just a Linden one?
[11:25] colleen Criss: agenda please
[11:25] Blondin Linden: yeah I will but Im looking for soemthing a bit more than the kiosks, hopefully built out by the moles
[11:25] colleen Criss: hello baby :)
[11:25] Lias Leandros: ythats cool also Blondin\
[11:25] Lias Leandros: ANY adult verification that can be placed in all of the welcome areas across the grid is acceptable
[11:26] Blondin Linden: Im talking about both Lias, both Colleen's kiosk (which I havent done anything with yet and I apologize - IM me this week and we'll set up 1v1 time to place it out) and some Mole work
[11:26] Bady Boozehound: When do you think the moles will get started with that ? And be done with it ? This year ?
[11:26] Lias Leandros: Im sure you saw that Linden Lab advertises ADult verification as a premium perk only to new accounts
[11:26] Hypatia Meili: if it may be something we may use else where plese tell them to keep th prims low, moles love touse prims
[11:26] Toran Babenco: Hey :)
[11:26] colleen Criss: I am presenting this this week and then I will remove it from the agenda as it is pretty stale since 09 , If this is not in your opinion, Blondin, going to come to fruition I am wasting my time and yours continuing to persue this Kiosk.
I've provided l
[11:26] colleen Criss: I've provided low prim and non adult textures and info 2 ways , via web link and inworld LMs etc., and all of it the info LLs uses .
4 prims, generic texture, 1 script. Never needs updated as long as the LLs wiki site is fresh this kiosk can be set out
[11:27] Lias Leandros: Hypatia - colleen made a oneprim sculpty adult verification Kiosk
[11:27] Lias Leandros: hi Toran
[11:27] colleen Criss: at M sim Info HUBS also a link Ive provided to you and quite honestly IF you look it could be set out on G rated sims Info HUBS BUT definately M. V2 drops info in a file folder V1 opens to the LLs wiki page.
[11:27] colleen Criss: Noticing the new coming avatars that pay LLs membership at creation are instantly granted access to all things adult , I see that there is no clear mention of getting age verified w/o PIOF. It appears LLs is pushing adult access as a perk IF they become
[11:27] Lias Leandros: sure - it can and should go in every hub
[11:28] Toran Babenco: Hello Lias :)
[11:28] colleen Criss: paying avatars but not showing adult as available thru age verification only. Seems to me this info is just as valuable as PIOF.
[11:28] Blondin Linden: I do want to place them out Colleen, though sometimes, I need to actually schedule time on my calendar to do things. Otherwise, I get pulled into different directions and forget. And I'll admit, I forget from time to time
[11:28] colleen Criss: end
[11:28] Lias Leandros: there has to be some information about adult verification made available to non premium accounts
[11:28] colleen Criss: understands Blondin
[11:28] Bady Boozehound: Blondin, when do you think the moles will get started with that ? And be done with it ? This year ?
[11:28] Blondin Linden: so lets meet up this week Colleen. Let me know what time works best for you
[11:28] colleen Criss: :) thank you I will
[11:29] VooDoo Greeter: hoho Wonder entered the defined area. (Bear <218.18940, 177.80250, 106.93150>)
[11:29] Qie Niangao: the kiosks can go out as soon as possible... no need to wait for Podyan
[11:29] Blondin Linden: Bady - I dunno. I think they have something to finsih for Linden Homes first but then I think they will ahve the bandwidth
[11:29] colleen Criss: let me ck my schedule and get back with you via notecard
[11:29] Blondin Linden: Ill know more today/tomorrow
[11:29] Blondin Linden: thanks COlleen
[11:29] colleen Criss: :)
[11:30] Blondin Linden: ok next item: Adult Verification Wiki Update
[11:30] Blondin Linden: GInette?
[11:30] Ginette Pinazzo: are you jumping aroudn the agenda again? haha
[11:30] Silvanus Northman: the english version is now different to the other 3 languages
[11:30] Ginette Pinazzo: you were goingt o updatre the how to verify wiki
[11:31] Blondin Linden: yeah I took a pass at it a few weeks ago
[11:31] Blondin Linden: pictures and text were quickly updated
[11:31] Silvanus Northman: and the english version has a link about how to setup the preferences, I didnt see it first, and thought its missed
[11:31] Ginette Pinazzo: a few have told me there is till soem glaring error(s) though
[11:31] Blondin Linden: yeah thats waht I was wondering
[11:31] Silvanus Northman: I see, ok Blondin
[11:31] Blondin Linden: If you see any errors - feel free to email
[11:31] Blondin Linden: and Ill fix them
[11:31] colleen Criss: its not been updated yet to thier new pay perk for new avis
[11:31] Ginette Pinazzo: ok I have feedbcak froma resident or 2 will email you
[11:33] colleen Criss: holy lag batman !
[11:33] Blondin Linden: thanks
[11:33] Blondin Linden: ok next item
[11:33] Blondin Linden: Art Maze 2011 Report
[11:33] colleen Criss: welcomeback handsome :)
[11:33] Ginette Pinazzo: ARt Maze update...all good news.......
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: 1. we set out 32 maze sections....we already have half our our artists booked......they have all started building at their own sims and we will be checking up on them every week.....
[11:34] Silvanus Northman: Hi Mapp
[11:34] Toran Babenco: thanks
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: 2. We have reporters doing individual artist interviews, for the show's Program Book, website and other PR use........
[11:34] Laurence Mapp: hey Silvanus .)
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: 3. we have portrait photographer Gualterio Albatros (PhotoKool Studio), who is doing group shots of all the artists and is also making some cute collectible Art Maze coffee mugs for the lobby........
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: 4. We are doing press releases for various inworld and offworld publications now...... (I did get yoru email abt that Blondin)
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: 5. I've been working with the LEA on a mutually beneficial relationship. Since the LEA is really just starting out, I think we can help each other........We have LEA members as some of the artists too......
[11:35] Ginette Pinazzo: 6. Ive been talking with Ronon Carver (who runs the 'Rangers' from Burn),. He and/or one of his colleague will sign on as 'advisors' to our team, to help during the event. I dont expect issues like Burn has, partly because we are on Zindra and griefing should be less an issue, but Rowan had some very good ideas to help us......
[11:35] Ginette Pinazzo: FIN
[11:35] Blondin Linden: I;ve worked with Ronan before on Burning Life
[11:36] Ginette Pinazzo: yes he ahd some great insight
[11:36] Ginette Pinazzo: hes our official Art Maze Mediator
[11:36] Blondin Linden: and Im glad to see a tie in with the LEA . They are starting to meet again and COurntey Linden is the liaison there
[11:36] Blondin Linden: I went over this morning to take a look
[11:36] Blondin Linden: looks interesting
[11:37] Blondin Linden: at the regions
[11:37] Ginette Pinazzo: great...I hope to really work closely with them
[11:37] Blondin Linden: excited to see it come together
[11:37] Blondin Linden: does anyone have any questions for GInette?
[11:37] Blondin Linden: constructive questions :)
[11:37] Ginette Pinazzo: you wotn se much of the maze sections themsleves until ,the artists start bring them over to fit otgethr...it will look sparse for a whiel
[11:38] Qie Niangao: Is there a chance the artists would be interested in contributing work for other public locations on the continent?
[11:38] Qie Niangao: I mean, as (more or less) permanent installations?
[11:38] Ginette Pinazzo: I dotn see why you cant ask them Qie...they are all different...difefernt backgrounds...why not ask
[11:38] Ginette Pinazzo: its a great idea
[11:39] Blondin Linden: and by public.....do you mean Linden land?
[11:39] Qie Niangao: yes
[11:39] Ginette Pinazzo: we did solicit artists to design a 'designer' version of the Flickr Slideshow kiosk..for example......
[11:40] Qie Niangao: I mean all the squares, etc, scattered around Kama City, with prims to spare.
[11:40] Ginette Pinazzo: bringing artists from all over into Zindra projects is a great way to do outreach
[11:40] Ginette Pinazzo: (se we can have multiple styles available)
[11:40] Blondin Linden: well, before we drop any instalations - I'd want to make sure that the piece made sense for where you wanted it to go, get neighbor sign off, things like that
[11:41] Silvanus Northman: ok , I made a small slideshow of the actual state there: http://www.myprimspace.com/Zindra/ArtMazeViews/arTMaze.html
[11:41] Ginette Pinazzo: that soudns like a good beautification AND outreach plan, Qie
[11:41] Qie Niangao: Blondin: yeah, that was what I wanted to say: LDPW should be involved.
[11:41] Blondin Linden: agreed Qie
[11:41] chiman fassbinder: New limited edition liter clams available - We have two new clams that are available for purchase with the liters system. As like all the other ones that are available for purchase with liters they are limited edition. Limited to 100 clams to be sold. They are currently setup with the other pearls that are available for trade in with liters. To answer most of your question, yes there will be other clams that are limited edition that you can earn without liters. However, we may or may not be doing it with the fishing like last time. The limited edition liter clams can be found on the docks that hold all our liter system items.
[11:42] Qie Niangao: (okay, enough about that, till things start happening... I just see a certain synergy between LEA and LDPW -- and Zindra could be a good testbed for it)
[11:42] Lias Leandros: So is it that Qie will volunteer to be some public art Liaison and discuss with Blondin and DPW abbout what pieces from the maze event would fit in public spaces in Zindra?
[11:42] colleen Criss: thats a good idea Q
[11:43] Qie Niangao: (Lias, I just want to get the right people talking... I have very austere taste in art, so definitely not me doing any selecting)
[11:43] Qie Niangao: (god the chatlag is killer here today)
[11:44] Ginette Pinazzo: Id say soemoen shoudl write upa proposal for this public space art idea...so we can see the idea in detail
[11:44] Blondin Linden: Sil - you slide show reminded me of the video about the building of the set for HBO's Boardwalk Empire in brooklyn
[11:44] Blondin Linden: Art Maze 2011 Report
[11:44] Lias Leandros: Okthanks Qie
[11:44] Blondin Linden: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlpFHcA98-E
[11:44] Blondin Linden: link fail
[11:44] Blondin Linden: Its timelapse and you watch it being built
[11:44] Blondin Linden: pretty cool
[11:44] Blondin Linden: Boardwalk Empire btw is an awesome show. You should watch or pick up the dvds when its out :)
[11:45] Silvanus Northman: oh interesting
[11:45] Silvanus Northman: ty
[11:45] Silvanus Northman: yes I already opened YT : ) ty Blondin
[11:45] colleen Criss: next agenda item?
[11:45] Blondin Linden: Flickr group Content Standards
[11:45] Blondin Linden: this one fell through the Holiday cracks
[11:45] Blondin Linden: can we pick it up next week?
[11:46] colleen Criss: agrees
[11:46] Lias Leandros: OK
[11:46] Silvanus Northman: : )
[11:46] Ginette Pinazzo: the Fluckr Slideshgow team did write a darft based on yoru thougths Blondin...but it can wait till nexy week
[11:46] Lias Leandros: we alrready discussed Colleen's age verification Kiosk
[11:46] Blondin Linden: Thanks GInette
[11:46] You decline ...::~*Wicked Desires*~::.., Seduction Point (169, 192, 2999) from A group member named Tiff Dreadlow.
[11:46] Blondin Linden: Next: Anonymous Agenda Items
[11:47] colleen Criss: Im sorry Im so lagged I did not mean to jump ahead of line on that one
[11:47] Blondin Linden: Agreed - please sign your name to agenda items :)
[11:47] Blondin Linden: that way I know who to follow up with
[11:47] Lias Leandros: item #2, Item #3 and Item #7 were added by the same person - but that person refuses to addd their name - but shows up here and discusses these items openly - what's that about?
[11:47] Ginette Pinazzo: i9s this constructve?
[11:47] Lias Leandros: yes please sign your name
[11:47] Lias Leandros: yes its constructive
[11:47] colleen Criss: Im hoping we can get to Hypatias agenda item
[11:48] Blondin Linden: Yes - lets move onto Hypa's
[11:48] Blondin Linden: Where to take Non-Zindra ADult Issues
[11:48] Blondin Linden: this is a good one :)
[11:48] colleen Criss: yes it is
[11:48] Ginette Pinazzo: Hypa...you're on!
[11:48] Blondin Linden: WIth people coming and going at Linden Lab, I understand the question
[11:48] Blondin Linden: trust me, I've asked it of myself too
[11:49] Hypatia Meili: well this meetin is always to busy & Geral adlut isses efect us zindra bein adult
[11:49] Hypatia Meili: so wher can we go on gral issues like search
[11:49] Garden Erotica InfoGiver: seb31 Columbia entered the defined area. (Adult Community Center <142.78040, 122.83090, 33.09755>)
[11:49] Blondin Linden: Search and Keywords would, I think fall under Sea Linden
[11:49] Hypatia Meili: and what lias metioned early
[11:49] Hypatia Meili: yes but as adult
[11:49] Blondin Linden: I think she also did some work on the events Listings
[11:50] Hypatia Meili: or just search function
[11:50] Hypatia Meili: needs to adress both
[11:50] Blondin Linden: basic search was her thing so if it has to do with Adult, I think she'd want to hear it
[11:50] Hypatia Meili: lias coment on veficatio is another example
[11:50] Hypatia Meili: Lias Leandros: there has to be some information about adult verification made available to non premium accounts
[11:51] Hypatia Meili: another is :
[11:51] Hypatia Meili: Market Place Does NOT ask if you are over 18 it asks if you wish to see mature.
What is our responsiblity if the newly ariving teen resdents buy adult Items?
[11:51] Blondin Linden: they actually do mention Adult and upgrade accounts to access certain things Linden Homes and ADult content when new users sign up
[11:51] Hypatia Meili: idont expected detiled answer her but wher do we go?
[11:52] colleen Criss: if they buy an account but not for basic
[11:52] Lias Leandros: I did not see it Blonndin
[11:52] colleen Criss: I didnt see it
[11:52] Lias Leandros: and I cretaed a 4 screen jpeg of the new user sign up process
[11:52] Lias Leandros: anyone that wants it just ask
[11:52] Blondin Linden: It's there. I saw it last week when we launcedh single sign ins
[11:52] Lias Leandros: I have it in inventory
[11:52] Garden Erotica InfoGiver: KittyKat Moonwing entered the defined area. (Adult Community Center <142.78140, 122.83150, 32.87887>)
[11:53] Hypatia Meili: the question tho is wher to go on geral adult issues not zindra spefic
[11:53] Blondin Linden: as for the marketplace - I'd need t go back and look. But soemthing tells me they wont even be able to use it
[11:53] Hypatia Meili: as tonot try to sqeeze them in here
[11:53] Ginette Pinazzo: is there an OH meeting for Adult issues in general, Blondin.....? n
[11:54] Hypatia Meili: wel we cant test it as non teens, i only see what it says
[11:54] colleen Criss: teens wont be able to use mktplace??
[11:54] Lias Leandros: its really not there Blondin - I signed out of secondlife.com and went through the registration process as a new player
[11:54] Blondin Linden: Hypa - I hate to tell ya - GEneral adult issues are best sent to me, even if they aren't ZIndra related. Hate to dissappoint ya
[11:54] Hypatia Meili: your other OH?
[11:55] Blondin Linden: You can bring them up here as they affect us all
[11:55] colleen Criss: how do you want to recieve it Blondin in a mtg or via notecard , email?
[11:55] Blondin Linden: but if not here - then my Wed OH would be an ok place for it
[11:55] colleen Criss: tsk sorry lol got out of order
[11:55] Hypatia Meili: ok som seemd to object to non zindra isues tho
[11:55] Blondin Linden: any of those are acceptable colleen
[11:55] Blondin Linden: though some work better than others
[11:56] Hypatia Meili: as long as that is ofical
[11:56] colleen Criss: ty :)
[11:56] Hypatia Meili: i try tomake that but you mised few there too
[11:56] Date Bar Infogiver: KittyKat Moonwing entered the defined area. (Adult Community Center <82.78516, 146.99920, 24.84796>)
[11:56] Ginette Pinazzo: Id say open ended questions are what5 use of precious time the most...if its ina proposal form (a solution sduggested) thats best forthese meetinsg....
[11:56] colleen Criss: not all things require a proposal
[11:56] Blondin Linden: Hypa - if its adult related, I think this is a good place for it. If you want to discuss something on more of a 1v1 level, my wed oh have calmed down quiet a bit. (prob bc I've been canceling a lot of them lately)
[11:57] Hypatia Meili: welli ned to reword th market issue then
[11:57] colleen Criss: some just require a question answered
[11:57] Ginette Pinazzo: no...but this is how to get thinsg done.....weve had the endless open ended question before...nothing got done
[11:57] Ginette Pinazzo: you cant avoid soem of them...but its good to try to coem to the table with solutions when possible
[11:57] colleen Criss: then ignore what does not interest you directly Gina
[11:57] colleen Criss: simple
[11:57] Ginette Pinazzo: colleen..stop being so 'neutral'
[11:57] Blondin Linden: Hypa - if you want to discuss soemthing here , just throw it up on the agenda and we'll try to get to it :)
[11:57] Blondin Linden: ok
[11:58] Lias Leandros: good idea Blondin
[11:58] Blondin Linden: I think thats it for this week....
[11:58] Hypatia Meili: ok
[11:58] Blondin Linden: ?
[11:58] colleen Criss: lol god forbid anyone is neutral
[11:58] Ginette Pinazzo: so Blondin...JAN 10 for the party here? or wherever?
[11:58] Silvanus Northman: ty Blondin : )
[11:58] Blondin Linden: Dec 10th
[11:58] Blondin Linden: ;)
[11:58] Qie Niangao: thanks Blondin
[11:58] Lias Leandros: remeber to sign your name and not just "Zindra" hypatia:-)
[11:58] Hypatia Meili: as long as non zindra but adult is permited
[11:58] colleen Criss: thank you Blondin , chat soon
[11:58] Ginette Pinazzo: I was being facetious colleen.....look it up
[11:58] Blondin Linden: thanks all
[11:58] Silvanus Northman: 10th Dec., ok scheduled : )
[11:58] Zada Bury: thank you for your time , Blondin
[11:58] Hypatia Meili: i diod didnt i?
[11:58] Ginette Pinazzo: ciao Blondin
[11:58] colleen Criss: why would I look it up Im the retard youd like to think I am
[11:59] Hypatia Meili: by blondin
[11:59] colleen Criss: look that up
[11:59] Dancer Greenfield: Bye Blondin
[11:59] Ginette Pinazzo: I never said you were retarded colleen
[11:59] colleen Criss: then do NOT be condesending to me
[11:59] colleen Criss: its wasted
[11:59] Zada Bury: does somebody knows, why they have roll the sims back to that version, which breaking down, if someone TP in or out?
[11:59] Ginette Pinazzo: same here colleen......keep your petty remarks to your insiode voice
[11:59] Ginette Pinazzo: ciao
[11:59] colleen Criss: rofl
[12:00] colleen Criss: hysterical
[12:00] Lias Leandros: In the spirit of Hypatia, I will add the question about the adult verification upon sign up to the agenda when he cleqars it
[12:00] Hypatia Meili: i know there was an issu on tp landin in privat areas due to lag
[12:00] Toran Babenco laughs to himself
[12:00] colleen Criss: Im glad we covered that item !
[12:00] Lias Leandros: One person cannot attribute an agenda item to an entire group - especially if they have not gotten the permission and approval of the group members.
[12:01] Hypatia Meili: i have sevral gues it wiltake awhile
[12:01] colleen Criss: :0dont give up !!
[12:01] colleen Criss: age verify kiosks since 09 but dont give up
[12:01] Hypatia Meili: il metion another to everyone whos stil here
[12:01] colleen Criss: listens
[12:02] Bady Boozehound: happy fun time, party people !
[12:02] Hypatia Meili: mature location with adult keyword now shoow up in adult search instead of being just hidden
[12:02] Lias Leandros: thats better
[12:02] Hypatia Meili: is that policy change or an error
[12:02] Lias Leandros: lol
[12:02] Lias Leandros: I hope a change
[12:02] colleen Criss: if I understand that, according to LLs they re blocking that from all G rated users how I have no clue
[12:03] Hypatia Meili: it means mature location canadvetrise adult activity on mature
[12:03] Lias Leandros: and I would love to see this place wherew new basic accounts are informed of afdult verification that Blondin spoke of
[10:54] colleen Criss: I vote no
[10:54] colleen Criss: hello Hypatia
[10:55] Hypatia Meili: Hi everyone
[10:55] Qie Niangao: Hi Hypatia
[10:55] Lias Leandros: well I a not sure that is an agenda concern Qie
[10:55] Lias Leandros: Hi Hypatia
[10:55] colleen Criss: its not on agenda
[10:55] Lias Leandros: its not a Zindra concern I meant
[10:55] colleen Criss: and will not be solved in this OH
[10:56] Lias Leandros: 'begging Linden Lab to further isolate us from the consumers does not sound like we are going in the right direction
[10:56] Lias~ AKEYO_PowerAO_PricelessGirl-SloMo_HUD (v 1.9): Typing override: Off
[10:56] Lias~ AKEYO_PowerAO_PricelessGirl-SloMo_HUD (v 1.9): Sit anywhere: On
[10:56] Qie Niangao: Well, that's just it: it's not on the agenda. but if folks don't want me to ask it, I won't ask it. It's very tangentially related to Zindra, inasmuch as, at present, Adult sims on Estates can have General sims adjacent... so could in theory set up Shared Media peep shows for the youngsters, across the sim border.
[10:56] Hypatia Meili: further isolate? dont know what your discusing bu that does not sound good
[10:57] colleen Criss: Q Id take those concerns directly to the LAB
[10:57] Lias Leandros: But Qie, we dont represent parent groups
[10:57] colleen Criss: thats thier baby
[10:57] Lias Leandros: what do we care if teens see porn in SL?
[10:57] colleen Criss: as we see we wont change thier minds on it but good luck
[10:57] Qie Niangao: we care because it's something the Estates can do that Zindra can't
[10:58] Qie Niangao: unless the estates *can't*
[10:58] Lias Leandros: So crippling estates to the level that we are crippled wont help us
[10:58] colleen Criss: they can go to A and age verified for an extra safety measure now but thats about it and NOT a solution
[10:58] Silvanus Northman: Hi all together
[10:58] Qie Niangao: okay, fuck it then.
[10:59] colleen Criss: hello Sil, Bady
[10:59] Bady Boozehound: Hello party people !
[11:00] Zada Bury: greetings around
[11:00] Hypatia Meili: both curent vefication methods suck , but i would recomend blocking one or th other or requiring both
[11:00] colleen Criss: hello Zada
[11:00] Lias Leandros: It's hard to cover the first agenda item aboutthe Holiday Message from the Zindra SIm if Counter is not here since he is th eone approved to develop the Holiday ebent on ZIndra this year
[11:00] Qie Niangao: kind of out of lead time for that event, seems to me
[11:00] Silvanus Northman: Hi Blondin
[11:00] Hypatia Meili: might as well close down then
[11:00] Qie Niangao: Hi Blondin
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: he has not been approved because he did not do a proposal....anywya. the agenda item stands
[11:01] Hypatia Meili: Hi Blondin
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Blonmdin
[11:01] Lias Leandros: he has been approved
[11:01] colleen Criss: hello Blondin
[11:01] Lias Leandros: period
[11:01] Lias Leandros: and you cannot just say you will now develop a holiday messaage on the sim of Zindra because you wantto
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: ni lias...wromg again..read the wiki
[11:01] colleen Criss: shall we dig up the text of Blondin telling him he was approved for the event Gina?
[11:01] Blondin Linden: hi all. Looks like Im walking into the middle of it!
[11:01] colleen Criss: it exists
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: you dotn even know my message yet so relax
[11:02] Lias Leandros: You ghave no right to make one for the sim of Zindra
[11:02] colleen Criss: ok lets get to this huh
[11:02] Ginette Pinazzo: whatever.....how was yoru holiday Blondin?
[11:02] Lias Leandros: you are pouncing on Counter's small event
[11:02] Blondin Linden: well lets get started
[11:02] Lias Leandros: when you should be concenbtrating on your large event
[11:03] Hypatia Meili: can i ask if you will be at your other OH this week?
[11:03] Blondin Linden: Im gunna work right down the list since I didnt update it last week due to my canceling the OH
[11:03] Zada Bury: So, how are you this week, Blondin?
[11:03] Zada Bury: heya Blondin.#
[11:03] Blondin Linden: Yeah I think so Hypa
[11:03] Hypatia Meili: ok :)
[11:03] Blondin Linden: 1) Zindra Sim Holiday Message
[11:03] Ginette Pinazzo: we are finally reaching out across Zindra and beyond.....we need ot keep this meetings professional......one agenda item ata time
[11:03] Ginette Pinazzo: ok Im ready with my message
[11:03] Ginette Pinazzo: its hort.......
[11:03] Blondin Linden: Is this still an issue? Was it time sensitive for Thanksgiving?
[11:03] Ginette Pinazzo: *short!
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: Originally my message was more complex, because of the Zindar Sim issue etc. But as its practically December already, time to plan anything is almost nonexistant......so here is my very simplified message.....
[11:04] Lias Leandros: unbelievable
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: I suggest we set aside one of these Monday OH meetings as a Holiday party.....(pick a date) ........no meeting...no agenda...just a party...but Blondin will still need to show up!............
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: I think the group needs this cheer after all the drama and crisis. I think for many people, these OH meetings are a chore and very unpleasant, and many of us would love a chance to relax and try to reconnect as friends or make new friends......
[11:04] Qie Niangao: Blondin, I think it just has to be ready to go by the time Winterfest starts.
[11:05] Ginette Pinazzo: A chance to 'unwind' and celebrate the progress we have made and to think positively about next year. .......
[11:05] Ginette Pinazzo: FIN
[11:06] Qie Niangao: That's fine, Ginette, just has nothing to do with the agenda topic. So, I presume we're still on for the snowman contest, once Counter gets back.
[11:06] Blondin Linden: I think a party sounds nice :) Maybe we should hear from the ZA and see what they had in mind for the snowman building contest. I know they wanted it to be a bit more involved than just that.
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: no Qie..that IS my agenda topic
[11:06] Blondin Linden: and then tie the party into that
[11:07] Qie Niangao: Okay, that's fine then. I assume Counter has his plans underway.
[11:07] Lias Leandros: I will suugest a 'grab bag' script to Counter - where we all can drop gifts and then people can touch and randomly receive a 'present'
[11:07] Ginette Pinazzo: its already Dec, bascially...and counter has said he wont doa proposal for the snowman contest...at last meeting anyway
[11:07] Lias Leandros: like those dumsters
[11:07] Blondin Linden: lets wait and see what Counter and the ZA have pulled togehter.
[11:07] Lias Leandros: OK
[11:07] Ginette Pinazzo: all I am saying is that we do one of these Monday meetings as a simple party
[11:07] colleen Criss: believes Blondin did not require one
[11:08] Qie Niangao: Thanks. Blondin.
[11:08] Ginette Pinazzo: read the wiki colleen
[11:08] Blondin Linden: what do people think about that? setting aside a meeting in 2 weeks for a party?
[11:08] colleen Criss: again I do not recall Blondin asking for one
[11:08] Lias Leandros: Ginette how about using the grab bag idea where we all drop a gift and get a gift?
[11:08] Blondin Linden: ie - no agenda, just dancing
[11:08] colleen Criss: this has nothing to do with the islands
[11:08] Lias Leandros: oh
[11:09] Qie Niangao: Sounds good to me, Blondin... or maybe a little later, depending on your schedule, to coincide with the Winterfest stuff.
[11:09] Lias Leandros: I thought that agenda item mentioned the sim of ZIndra - I apoligize
[11:09] Ginette Pinazzo: I thinka simple party for this group would help.......dancing, drinking, etc
[11:09] Lias Leandros: what about the grab bag Ginette?
[11:09] colleen Criss: Id contribute to a grab bag its a nice idea
[11:10] Lias Leandros: Ginette refuses to acknowledge me
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: a grab bag for a party here? why not
[11:10] Lias Leandros: next agenda item then please
[11:10] Blondin Linden: Ok. So how about MOnday the 10th - instead of an OH here, we meet over on Zindra or somewhere, set some music and have a party
[11:10] Lias Leandros: so just give Blondin the grab bag and he can drop it here
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin...are you interested in thsi idea..to choose a OH date to have a party?
[11:11] Blondin Linden: I'll turn Rez on so it'll BYOP (Bring your own Prims)
[11:11] Ginette Pinazzo: (marks calendar)..soudsn good to me
[11:11] Lias Leandros: then we can fill it at each meeting until the day its available to take stuff from it
[11:11] Silvanus Northman: : )
[11:11] colleen Criss: I can make a santa bag for it
[11:12] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin., my ORIGINAL holiday message DID relate to the Zindra Sim etc ...but as counter never proposed..thats why I simplfied the message...if he IS still trying to move forward, I will wanmt to amke that full message anotehr time
[11:12] Blondin Linden: So the next item is on there 2X
[11:12] Blondin Linden: 2) Zindra Expo Group Charte
[11:12] Blondin Linden: So I took a look at both GInette's and Lias' suggestions.
[11:12] Ginette Pinazzo: A few weeks ago, I presented an updated charter for the Zindra Expo group, written in conjunction with about 12 other members......
[11:13] Lias Leandros: and it was not good
[11:13] Ginette Pinazzo: thsat is your opinion Lias.....many otehrs disagree with you
[11:13] Blondin Linden: Ginette's felt a little too community based/driven for what I had in mind and Lias' sounded a little....sterile? perhaps? Im not sure. Just kinda technical. So I kinda tried to merge the two
[11:13] Lias Leandros: There is no Linden run resident volunteer program on the grid anymore
[11:13] colleen Criss: listens to Blondin
[11:14] Ginette Pinazzo: lias...your opinion is biased as youve been acvtively trying to diminish this group and even troll it to get peoepl to switch over tyo ZA....public record
[11:14] Blondin Linden: Zindra Expo is a group for residents to join as they plan and host events on the Expo Island, found at the four corners of Distrel, Girenzi, Jaraded and Tramboyn. The purpose of the group is to 1) grant temporary land rights to Residents working
[11:14] Blondin Linden: on approved events using the land and 2) act as a communication tool for the dispersal of information. Please feel free to join the group to get updates on and to participate in Zindra events.
[11:14] Qie Niangao: Sounds good to me.
[11:14] Blondin Linden: ...thoughts?
[11:14] colleen Criss: stop you 2p lease or cryng outloud
[11:15] Lias Leandros: sterile= clear that it is not to be used for residents to recruit residents in order to send out their personal take on Zindra community issues
[11:15] Zada Bury: the merge sounds good
[11:15] Ginette Pinazzo: I think its far too limiiting, Blondin....and will become a real nightmare later
[11:15] Lias Leandros: ZINDRA EVENTS
[11:15] Bady Boozehound: If it fits in the group charter^^ Agreed.
[11:15] colleen Criss: works great
[11:15] Ginette Pinazzo: bhut its yoru group, Blondin
[11:15] Lias Leandros: Events on Linden owned Land
[11:15] Blondin Linden: I took a look at the group charter as it curretly stands
[11:15] Lias Leandros: not just Zindra events
[11:16] Blondin Linden: and its just the next event and the slurls for my OH
[11:16] Ginette Pinazzo: teh charter is outdated anyway....
[11:16] Hypatia Meili: sounds to me like what has been going on in the group share news and events
[11:16] Lias Leandros: share news and events for things that happen on Linden owned land
[11:16] Ginette Pinazzo: tyhis group can and already ahs doen more than just zexpo iusland events....limiting it is what ZA members want and wil limit all progress
[11:16] Hypatia Meili: you know regardless unles blondin expresly forbids it expo group wil still funbction as a defacto comunity group be cause it is fulof comunity members
[11:16] Qie Niangao: Lias? You mean Linden events on other continents?
[11:16] Lias Leandros: not resident owned land in Zindra
[11:17] Lias Leandros: if you just state ZINDRA EVENTS it will be exploited and presented to people as THE event group for Zindra
[11:17] Silvanus Northman: I think the message should say that this group is a place to speak and plan together with Linden
[11:17] Ginette Pinazzo: I urge to reconsider this limiting charter, Blondin
[11:17] Silvanus Northman: in less and clear words
[11:17] colleen Criss: agrees on that point Lias
[11:17] Lias Leandros: and as Ginette likes to say - it will be presented as the TRUSTED ZIndra event group because it is owned by a Linden
[11:17] Ginette Pinazzo: I agree Silvanus...we hav real opportunity here........that wont be possible with a limited charter
[11:17] Bady Boozehound: Though i think 'for residents to join as they plan and host events' sounds like too much responsibility for many people to join :-)
[11:18] Lias Leandros: yes a realopportunity to exploit the group for your own agenda
[11:18] Silvanus Northman: yes Bady
[11:18] colleen Criss: lol well if they want to use the islands they need to join and be responsible huh
[11:18] Silvanus Northman: a message on an equal leven to the residents would be fine
[11:18] Hypatia Meili: to share news on & to conect in order too? ??
[11:18] Bady Boozehound: Yes ... everyone who volunteers to be a greeter at an event should feel like a host, right colleen^^
[11:18] Ginette Pinazzo: its not my agenda...and I am tired of hearinmg that accusation
[11:19] Lias Leandros: I usge you to add the words "Linden -owned Land" in the charter Blondin
[11:19] Lias Leandros: be honest and clear
[11:19] Ginette Pinazzo: if you cared about Zindra...youd care about the growth of ZE AS WELL as resident-run groups....but you obviosuly dont
[11:19] Lias Leandros: Lindens are not running event groups on the mainland
[11:19] Qie Niangao: look, if it's a Linden owned group, a Linden calls the shots. anybody can make any ol' community group they want, outside the Linden group.
[11:19] colleen Criss: they sponsor not run the events
[11:19] Bady Boozehound: How about you just leave the group charter blank ? I don't think too many people care about group charters anyway ... and it seems it's only causing trouble :-)
[11:19] Lias Leandros: Did you see the notecard that Ginette sends out recruiting people for the Zexpo group?
[11:20] Lias Leandros: it clearly mis represents the group and its purpose
[11:20] Lias Leandros: enough of that
[11:20] colleen Criss: yes it does
[11:20] Hypatia Meili: we can use it to share news on zindra related stuff tho can't we ?
[11:20] Blondin Linden: Interesting idea Bady :)
[11:20] Lias Leandros: you can use any group to talk if you are a member and the officers allow idele chatter
[11:20] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin....without getting personal (I wont)...its clear from precedence that lias and ZA have been trying to undermine ZE anywya.....isnt this an issue regarding motive? Why not allow for resident runs grous AND ZE to coexist? andf grow?
[11:21] Lias Leandros: thats not the same as exploiting a group becausethe founder is a Linden
[11:21] colleen Criss: ZA does not belong to Lias
[11:21] Lias Leandros: Ginette do you still have that ZEXPO group recruitment notecard you have been sending out?
[11:22] Silvanus Northman: just 'keep it simple' I think
[11:22] Lias Leandros: that answers your question about why the charter has to be CLEAR
[11:22] colleen Criss: I likely have it somewhere
[11:22] Ginette Pinazzo: as I saud....if you CARE about Zuindar for real, ytoud support ZE growing too
[11:22] Hypatia Meili: well expo group is made up of "zindra members" so it becomes a place to share Zindra info
[11:22] Hypatia Meili: i do not see what we would wan to prevent that
[11:22] Blondin Linden: Ginette - I want them to coexist, I do. But I understand how a group formed by a Linden and another one that isn't might look to someone who wants to pick 1 group over another. I just want to be fair
[11:22] Lias Leandros: This was not an issue until you Ginette started misrepresenting teh group for your own gain
[11:22] Ginette Pinazzo: since you have been trying to stop ZE initiatves from day one...(since zewxpo ended)......how can you be taken seriosuly as ZE supporter?
[11:22] colleen Criss: I do support all resident groups , this group is for use of linden lab land
[11:23] Lias Leandros: when we see obvious exploitations - its only smart to close the exploit before it gets out of hand
[11:23] Hypatia Meili: donot need to pick one ots a news and info outlet can be more then one
[11:23] Blondin Linden: I'll take another crack at the charter but Bady's idea of leaving it blank is looking real good :)
[11:23] Ginette Pinazzo: I agree with the Linden Land part...siure.......but not just for events, Blondin
[11:23] Blondin Linden: ok - moving on
[11:23] Qie Niangao: I don't see why ZEXPO *needs* to be more than a land-management group for the expo sims, and spin-off a separate, non-Linden group for all the community stuff.
[11:23] Ginette Pinazzo: exploiutations?????
[11:23] Blondin Linden: 3) Podyan / Zindra name switch
[11:23] Hypatia Meili: becaus peopel ar already in it
[11:23] Lias Leandros: a clear charter stating its a group for residents to join to propose, engage in and get information about ZIndra events on LINDEN OWNED LAND is the best way to stop the group from being exploited for anything else
[11:24] colleen Criss: agrees good idea really
[11:24] Ginette Pinazzo: accuse me of explooitation aga9in and thats it
[11:24] colleen Criss: this groups charter was fine to begin with
[11:24] Bady Boozehound: Let me guess ... you didn't hear anything about the name switch so far, Blondin ?^^
[11:24] Lias Leandros: and that's it?
[11:24] Lias Leandros: lol
[11:24] Blondin Linden: still no update but before we swtich the names (if we do) I want the moles to finish making the current podyan look nice and to add Verification information for new users
[11:24] colleen Criss: STOP
[11:24] colleen Criss: good lord please
[11:24] Lias Leandros: So you will add the kiosksthere in a Mature sim Blondin?
[11:25] Qie Niangao: (frankly, I'm not too sure switching the names is still a good idea)
[11:25] Ginette Pinazzo: yous top colleen...you are not the chair
[11:25] colleen Criss: nor are you !
[11:25] Lias Leandros: are you talking about Colleen's kiosk or just a Linden one?
[11:25] colleen Criss: agenda please
[11:25] Blondin Linden: yeah I will but Im looking for soemthing a bit more than the kiosks, hopefully built out by the moles
[11:25] colleen Criss: hello baby :)
[11:25] Lias Leandros: ythats cool also Blondin\
[11:25] Lias Leandros: ANY adult verification that can be placed in all of the welcome areas across the grid is acceptable
[11:26] Blondin Linden: Im talking about both Lias, both Colleen's kiosk (which I havent done anything with yet and I apologize - IM me this week and we'll set up 1v1 time to place it out) and some Mole work
[11:26] Bady Boozehound: When do you think the moles will get started with that ? And be done with it ? This year ?
[11:26] Lias Leandros: Im sure you saw that Linden Lab advertises ADult verification as a premium perk only to new accounts
[11:26] Hypatia Meili: if it may be something we may use else where plese tell them to keep th prims low, moles love touse prims
[11:26] Toran Babenco: Hey :)
[11:26] colleen Criss: I am presenting this this week and then I will remove it from the agenda as it is pretty stale since 09 , If this is not in your opinion, Blondin, going to come to fruition I am wasting my time and yours continuing to persue this Kiosk.
I've provided l
[11:26] colleen Criss: I've provided low prim and non adult textures and info 2 ways , via web link and inworld LMs etc., and all of it the info LLs uses .
4 prims, generic texture, 1 script. Never needs updated as long as the LLs wiki site is fresh this kiosk can be set out
[11:27] Lias Leandros: Hypatia - colleen made a oneprim sculpty adult verification Kiosk
[11:27] Lias Leandros: hi Toran
[11:27] colleen Criss: at M sim Info HUBS also a link Ive provided to you and quite honestly IF you look it could be set out on G rated sims Info HUBS BUT definately M. V2 drops info in a file folder V1 opens to the LLs wiki page.
[11:27] colleen Criss: Noticing the new coming avatars that pay LLs membership at creation are instantly granted access to all things adult , I see that there is no clear mention of getting age verified w/o PIOF. It appears LLs is pushing adult access as a perk IF they become
[11:27] Lias Leandros: sure - it can and should go in every hub
[11:28] Toran Babenco: Hello Lias :)
[11:28] colleen Criss: paying avatars but not showing adult as available thru age verification only. Seems to me this info is just as valuable as PIOF.
[11:28] Blondin Linden: I do want to place them out Colleen, though sometimes, I need to actually schedule time on my calendar to do things. Otherwise, I get pulled into different directions and forget. And I'll admit, I forget from time to time
[11:28] colleen Criss: end
[11:28] Lias Leandros: there has to be some information about adult verification made available to non premium accounts
[11:28] colleen Criss: understands Blondin
[11:28] Bady Boozehound: Blondin, when do you think the moles will get started with that ? And be done with it ? This year ?
[11:28] Blondin Linden: so lets meet up this week Colleen. Let me know what time works best for you
[11:28] colleen Criss: :) thank you I will
[11:29] VooDoo Greeter: hoho Wonder entered the defined area. (Bear <218.18940, 177.80250, 106.93150>)
[11:29] Qie Niangao: the kiosks can go out as soon as possible... no need to wait for Podyan
[11:29] Blondin Linden: Bady - I dunno. I think they have something to finsih for Linden Homes first but then I think they will ahve the bandwidth
[11:29] colleen Criss: let me ck my schedule and get back with you via notecard
[11:29] Blondin Linden: Ill know more today/tomorrow
[11:29] Blondin Linden: thanks COlleen
[11:29] colleen Criss: :)
[11:30] Blondin Linden: ok next item: Adult Verification Wiki Update
[11:30] Blondin Linden: GInette?
[11:30] Ginette Pinazzo: are you jumping aroudn the agenda again? haha
[11:30] Silvanus Northman: the english version is now different to the other 3 languages
[11:30] Ginette Pinazzo: you were goingt o updatre the how to verify wiki
[11:31] Blondin Linden: yeah I took a pass at it a few weeks ago
[11:31] Blondin Linden: pictures and text were quickly updated
[11:31] Silvanus Northman: and the english version has a link about how to setup the preferences, I didnt see it first, and thought its missed
[11:31] Ginette Pinazzo: a few have told me there is till soem glaring error(s) though
[11:31] Blondin Linden: yeah thats waht I was wondering
[11:31] Silvanus Northman: I see, ok Blondin
[11:31] Blondin Linden: If you see any errors - feel free to email
[11:31] Blondin Linden: and Ill fix them
[11:31] colleen Criss: its not been updated yet to thier new pay perk for new avis
[11:31] Ginette Pinazzo: ok I have feedbcak froma resident or 2 will email you
[11:33] colleen Criss: holy lag batman !
[11:33] Blondin Linden: thanks
[11:33] Blondin Linden: ok next item
[11:33] Blondin Linden: Art Maze 2011 Report
[11:33] colleen Criss: welcomeback handsome :)
[11:33] Ginette Pinazzo: ARt Maze update...all good news.......
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: 1. we set out 32 maze sections....we already have half our our artists booked......they have all started building at their own sims and we will be checking up on them every week.....
[11:34] Silvanus Northman: Hi Mapp
[11:34] Toran Babenco: thanks
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: 2. We have reporters doing individual artist interviews, for the show's Program Book, website and other PR use........
[11:34] Laurence Mapp: hey Silvanus .)
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: 3. we have portrait photographer Gualterio Albatros (PhotoKool Studio), who is doing group shots of all the artists and is also making some cute collectible Art Maze coffee mugs for the lobby........
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: 4. We are doing press releases for various inworld and offworld publications now...... (I did get yoru email abt that Blondin)
[11:34] Ginette Pinazzo: 5. I've been working with the LEA on a mutually beneficial relationship. Since the LEA is really just starting out, I think we can help each other........We have LEA members as some of the artists too......
[11:35] Ginette Pinazzo: 6. Ive been talking with Ronon Carver (who runs the 'Rangers' from Burn),. He and/or one of his colleague will sign on as 'advisors' to our team, to help during the event. I dont expect issues like Burn has, partly because we are on Zindra and griefing should be less an issue, but Rowan had some very good ideas to help us......
[11:35] Ginette Pinazzo: FIN
[11:35] Blondin Linden: I;ve worked with Ronan before on Burning Life
[11:36] Ginette Pinazzo: yes he ahd some great insight
[11:36] Ginette Pinazzo: hes our official Art Maze Mediator
[11:36] Blondin Linden: and Im glad to see a tie in with the LEA . They are starting to meet again and COurntey Linden is the liaison there
[11:36] Blondin Linden: I went over this morning to take a look
[11:36] Blondin Linden: looks interesting
[11:37] Blondin Linden: at the regions
[11:37] Ginette Pinazzo: great...I hope to really work closely with them
[11:37] Blondin Linden: excited to see it come together
[11:37] Blondin Linden: does anyone have any questions for GInette?
[11:37] Blondin Linden: constructive questions :)
[11:37] Ginette Pinazzo: you wotn se much of the maze sections themsleves until ,the artists start bring them over to fit otgethr...it will look sparse for a whiel
[11:38] Qie Niangao: Is there a chance the artists would be interested in contributing work for other public locations on the continent?
[11:38] Qie Niangao: I mean, as (more or less) permanent installations?
[11:38] Ginette Pinazzo: I dotn see why you cant ask them Qie...they are all different...difefernt backgrounds...why not ask
[11:38] Ginette Pinazzo: its a great idea
[11:39] Blondin Linden: and by public.....do you mean Linden land?
[11:39] Qie Niangao: yes
[11:39] Ginette Pinazzo: we did solicit artists to design a 'designer' version of the Flickr Slideshow kiosk..for example......
[11:40] Qie Niangao: I mean all the squares, etc, scattered around Kama City, with prims to spare.
[11:40] Ginette Pinazzo: bringing artists from all over into Zindra projects is a great way to do outreach
[11:40] Ginette Pinazzo: (se we can have multiple styles available)
[11:40] Blondin Linden: well, before we drop any instalations - I'd want to make sure that the piece made sense for where you wanted it to go, get neighbor sign off, things like that
[11:41] Silvanus Northman: ok , I made a small slideshow of the actual state there: http://www.myprimspace.com/Zindra/ArtMazeViews/arTMaze.html
[11:41] Ginette Pinazzo: that soudns like a good beautification AND outreach plan, Qie
[11:41] Qie Niangao: Blondin: yeah, that was what I wanted to say: LDPW should be involved.
[11:41] Blondin Linden: agreed Qie
[11:41] chiman fassbinder: New limited edition liter clams available - We have two new clams that are available for purchase with the liters system. As like all the other ones that are available for purchase with liters they are limited edition. Limited to 100 clams to be sold. They are currently setup with the other pearls that are available for trade in with liters. To answer most of your question, yes there will be other clams that are limited edition that you can earn without liters. However, we may or may not be doing it with the fishing like last time. The limited edition liter clams can be found on the docks that hold all our liter system items.
[11:42] Qie Niangao: (okay, enough about that, till things start happening... I just see a certain synergy between LEA and LDPW -- and Zindra could be a good testbed for it)
[11:42] Lias Leandros: So is it that Qie will volunteer to be some public art Liaison and discuss with Blondin and DPW abbout what pieces from the maze event would fit in public spaces in Zindra?
[11:42] colleen Criss: thats a good idea Q
[11:43] Qie Niangao: (Lias, I just want to get the right people talking... I have very austere taste in art, so definitely not me doing any selecting)
[11:43] Qie Niangao: (god the chatlag is killer here today)
[11:44] Ginette Pinazzo: Id say soemoen shoudl write upa proposal for this public space art idea...so we can see the idea in detail
[11:44] Blondin Linden: Sil - you slide show reminded me of the video about the building of the set for HBO's Boardwalk Empire in brooklyn
[11:44] Blondin Linden: Art Maze 2011 Report
[11:44] Lias Leandros: Okthanks Qie
[11:44] Blondin Linden: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlpFHcA98-E
[11:44] Blondin Linden: link fail
[11:44] Blondin Linden: Its timelapse and you watch it being built
[11:44] Blondin Linden: pretty cool
[11:44] Blondin Linden: Boardwalk Empire btw is an awesome show. You should watch or pick up the dvds when its out :)
[11:45] Silvanus Northman: oh interesting
[11:45] Silvanus Northman: ty
[11:45] Silvanus Northman: yes I already opened YT : ) ty Blondin
[11:45] colleen Criss: next agenda item?
[11:45] Blondin Linden: Flickr group Content Standards
[11:45] Blondin Linden: this one fell through the Holiday cracks
[11:45] Blondin Linden: can we pick it up next week?
[11:46] colleen Criss: agrees
[11:46] Lias Leandros: OK
[11:46] Silvanus Northman: : )
[11:46] Ginette Pinazzo: the Fluckr Slideshgow team did write a darft based on yoru thougths Blondin...but it can wait till nexy week
[11:46] Lias Leandros: we alrready discussed Colleen's age verification Kiosk
[11:46] Blondin Linden: Thanks GInette
[11:46] You decline ...::~*Wicked Desires*~::.., Seduction Point (169, 192, 2999) from A group member named Tiff Dreadlow.
[11:46] Blondin Linden: Next: Anonymous Agenda Items
[11:47] colleen Criss: Im sorry Im so lagged I did not mean to jump ahead of line on that one
[11:47] Blondin Linden: Agreed - please sign your name to agenda items :)
[11:47] Blondin Linden: that way I know who to follow up with
[11:47] Lias Leandros: item #2, Item #3 and Item #7 were added by the same person - but that person refuses to addd their name - but shows up here and discusses these items openly - what's that about?
[11:47] Ginette Pinazzo: i9s this constructve?
[11:47] Lias Leandros: yes please sign your name
[11:47] Lias Leandros: yes its constructive
[11:47] colleen Criss: Im hoping we can get to Hypatias agenda item
[11:48] Blondin Linden: Yes - lets move onto Hypa's
[11:48] Blondin Linden: Where to take Non-Zindra ADult Issues
[11:48] Blondin Linden: this is a good one :)
[11:48] colleen Criss: yes it is
[11:48] Ginette Pinazzo: Hypa...you're on!
[11:48] Blondin Linden: WIth people coming and going at Linden Lab, I understand the question
[11:48] Blondin Linden: trust me, I've asked it of myself too
[11:49] Hypatia Meili: well this meetin is always to busy & Geral adlut isses efect us zindra bein adult
[11:49] Hypatia Meili: so wher can we go on gral issues like search
[11:49] Garden Erotica InfoGiver: seb31 Columbia entered the defined area. (Adult Community Center <142.78040, 122.83090, 33.09755>)
[11:49] Blondin Linden: Search and Keywords would, I think fall under Sea Linden
[11:49] Hypatia Meili: and what lias metioned early
[11:49] Hypatia Meili: yes but as adult
[11:49] Blondin Linden: I think she also did some work on the events Listings
[11:50] Hypatia Meili: or just search function
[11:50] Hypatia Meili: needs to adress both
[11:50] Blondin Linden: basic search was her thing so if it has to do with Adult, I think she'd want to hear it
[11:50] Hypatia Meili: lias coment on veficatio is another example
[11:50] Hypatia Meili: Lias Leandros: there has to be some information about adult verification made available to non premium accounts
[11:51] Hypatia Meili: another is :
[11:51] Hypatia Meili: Market Place Does NOT ask if you are over 18 it asks if you wish to see mature.
What is our responsiblity if the newly ariving teen resdents buy adult Items?
[11:51] Blondin Linden: they actually do mention Adult and upgrade accounts to access certain things Linden Homes and ADult content when new users sign up
[11:51] Hypatia Meili: idont expected detiled answer her but wher do we go?
[11:52] colleen Criss: if they buy an account but not for basic
[11:52] Lias Leandros: I did not see it Blonndin
[11:52] colleen Criss: I didnt see it
[11:52] Lias Leandros: and I cretaed a 4 screen jpeg of the new user sign up process
[11:52] Lias Leandros: anyone that wants it just ask
[11:52] Blondin Linden: It's there. I saw it last week when we launcedh single sign ins
[11:52] Lias Leandros: I have it in inventory
[11:52] Garden Erotica InfoGiver: KittyKat Moonwing entered the defined area. (Adult Community Center <142.78140, 122.83150, 32.87887>)
[11:53] Hypatia Meili: the question tho is wher to go on geral adult issues not zindra spefic
[11:53] Blondin Linden: as for the marketplace - I'd need t go back and look. But soemthing tells me they wont even be able to use it
[11:53] Hypatia Meili: as tonot try to sqeeze them in here
[11:53] Ginette Pinazzo: is there an OH meeting for Adult issues in general, Blondin.....? n
[11:54] Hypatia Meili: wel we cant test it as non teens, i only see what it says
[11:54] colleen Criss: teens wont be able to use mktplace??
[11:54] Lias Leandros: its really not there Blondin - I signed out of secondlife.com and went through the registration process as a new player
[11:54] Blondin Linden: Hypa - I hate to tell ya - GEneral adult issues are best sent to me, even if they aren't ZIndra related. Hate to dissappoint ya
[11:54] Hypatia Meili: your other OH?
[11:55] Blondin Linden: You can bring them up here as they affect us all
[11:55] colleen Criss: how do you want to recieve it Blondin in a mtg or via notecard , email?
[11:55] Blondin Linden: but if not here - then my Wed OH would be an ok place for it
[11:55] colleen Criss: tsk sorry lol got out of order
[11:55] Hypatia Meili: ok som seemd to object to non zindra isues tho
[11:55] Blondin Linden: any of those are acceptable colleen
[11:55] Blondin Linden: though some work better than others
[11:56] Hypatia Meili: as long as that is ofical
[11:56] colleen Criss: ty :)
[11:56] Hypatia Meili: i try tomake that but you mised few there too
[11:56] Date Bar Infogiver: KittyKat Moonwing entered the defined area. (Adult Community Center <82.78516, 146.99920, 24.84796>)
[11:56] Ginette Pinazzo: Id say open ended questions are what5 use of precious time the most...if its ina proposal form (a solution sduggested) thats best forthese meetinsg....
[11:56] colleen Criss: not all things require a proposal
[11:56] Blondin Linden: Hypa - if its adult related, I think this is a good place for it. If you want to discuss something on more of a 1v1 level, my wed oh have calmed down quiet a bit. (prob bc I've been canceling a lot of them lately)
[11:57] Hypatia Meili: welli ned to reword th market issue then
[11:57] colleen Criss: some just require a question answered
[11:57] Ginette Pinazzo: no...but this is how to get thinsg done.....weve had the endless open ended question before...nothing got done
[11:57] Ginette Pinazzo: you cant avoid soem of them...but its good to try to coem to the table with solutions when possible
[11:57] colleen Criss: then ignore what does not interest you directly Gina
[11:57] colleen Criss: simple
[11:57] Ginette Pinazzo: colleen..stop being so 'neutral'
[11:57] Blondin Linden: Hypa - if you want to discuss soemthing here , just throw it up on the agenda and we'll try to get to it :)
[11:57] Blondin Linden: ok
[11:58] Lias Leandros: good idea Blondin
[11:58] Blondin Linden: I think thats it for this week....
[11:58] Hypatia Meili: ok
[11:58] Blondin Linden: ?
[11:58] colleen Criss: lol god forbid anyone is neutral
[11:58] Ginette Pinazzo: so Blondin...JAN 10 for the party here? or wherever?
[11:58] Silvanus Northman: ty Blondin : )
[11:58] Blondin Linden: Dec 10th
[11:58] Blondin Linden: ;)
[11:58] Qie Niangao: thanks Blondin
[11:58] Lias Leandros: remeber to sign your name and not just "Zindra" hypatia:-)
[11:58] Hypatia Meili: as long as non zindra but adult is permited
[11:58] colleen Criss: thank you Blondin , chat soon
[11:58] Ginette Pinazzo: I was being facetious colleen.....look it up
[11:58] Blondin Linden: thanks all
[11:58] Silvanus Northman: 10th Dec., ok scheduled : )
[11:58] Zada Bury: thank you for your time , Blondin
[11:58] Hypatia Meili: i diod didnt i?
[11:58] Ginette Pinazzo: ciao Blondin
[11:58] colleen Criss: why would I look it up Im the retard youd like to think I am
[11:59] Hypatia Meili: by blondin
[11:59] colleen Criss: look that up
[11:59] Dancer Greenfield: Bye Blondin
[11:59] Ginette Pinazzo: I never said you were retarded colleen
[11:59] colleen Criss: then do NOT be condesending to me
[11:59] colleen Criss: its wasted
[11:59] Zada Bury: does somebody knows, why they have roll the sims back to that version, which breaking down, if someone TP in or out?
[11:59] Ginette Pinazzo: same here colleen......keep your petty remarks to your insiode voice
[11:59] Ginette Pinazzo: ciao
[11:59] colleen Criss: rofl
[12:00] colleen Criss: hysterical
[12:00] Lias Leandros: In the spirit of Hypatia, I will add the question about the adult verification upon sign up to the agenda when he cleqars it
[12:00] Hypatia Meili: i know there was an issu on tp landin in privat areas due to lag
[12:00] Toran Babenco laughs to himself
[12:00] colleen Criss: Im glad we covered that item !
[12:00] Lias Leandros: One person cannot attribute an agenda item to an entire group - especially if they have not gotten the permission and approval of the group members.
[12:01] Hypatia Meili: i have sevral gues it wiltake awhile
[12:01] colleen Criss: :0dont give up !!
[12:01] colleen Criss: age verify kiosks since 09 but dont give up
[12:01] Hypatia Meili: il metion another to everyone whos stil here
[12:01] colleen Criss: listens
[12:02] Bady Boozehound: happy fun time, party people !
[12:02] Hypatia Meili: mature location with adult keyword now shoow up in adult search instead of being just hidden
[12:02] Lias Leandros: thats better
[12:02] Hypatia Meili: is that policy change or an error
[12:02] Lias Leandros: lol
[12:02] Lias Leandros: I hope a change
[12:02] colleen Criss: if I understand that, according to LLs they re blocking that from all G rated users how I have no clue
[12:03] Hypatia Meili: it means mature location canadvetrise adult activity on mature
[12:03] Lias Leandros: and I would love to see this place wherew new basic accounts are informed of afdult verification that Blondin spoke of
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Wrap: Nov 15th Community Meeting Answers
[11:01] Blondin Linden: hate to do this but I can only stay for 30 minutes today
1. BED FAIR - http://bedfair.blogspot.com/ (Lias Leandros)
[11:03] Blondin Linden: http://bedfair.blogspot.com/2010/10/bed-fair-proposal-for-zindra-linden.html
[11:03] colleen Criss: http://bedfair.blogspot.com/2010/10/bed-fair-proposal-for-zindra-linden.html
[11:03] colleen Criss: oo lol you beat me
[11:03] colleen Criss: she is waiting approval
[11:03] colleen Criss: from you
[11:04] colleen Criss: time was chosen before Ginette decioded upon her time last week
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: has the proposal bene done with the criteria of the Island Events procedure?>
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: because as of last week,m lias claimed that process was nonsense
[11:05] Blondin Linden: So, of course, I'd love to see even more detail but I like where your going . Right off the bat though - I'm gunna ask that you consider pushing the dates back by 2 weeks.
[11:05] Blondin Linden: To give time for GInette and the Art Maze to conclude
[11:05] colleen Criss: well we can negoicate times
[11:05] colleen Criss: Counter has April and summer is not a good time for large scale events in SL so it will have to have a October Set up time and a november event date
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin..events shoudl hjave abt 3 months average for proper buildup....thats the point of it being a big event, whatever it is
[11:06] colleen Criss: in order to get vendors build set up etc
[11:06] colleen Criss: Gina let Blondin run his mtg
[11:07] Blondin Linden: I do think that you'll need a bit more time in planning this all out which is why details are always a good thing.
[11:07] colleen Criss: are those times acceptable for you Blondin?
[11:08] Blondin Linden: next novemebr?
[11:11] Blondin Linden: ok Colleen, keep work with Lias on it. SOme things I'd still like to see: - include details about Prim needs, land Management, Membership, Group roles and abilities
[11:11] Blondin Linden: and Include a land-use plan (as best as possible at an early stage). This could be a basic diagram and/or well-written explanation.
[11:11] colleen Criss: yes Blondin will do :) ty
2. Age Verification Kiosks (Colleen Criss)
[11:13] Blondin Linden: So a while back - there was a team working on getting verification into the viewer
[11:13] Blondin Linden: but things happened :) and other issues took priority
[11:14] Blondin Linden: apparently, it's a big deal that'll need both server and viewer work
[11:14] colleen Criss: I have a list on the site of potential HUBS
[11:14] colleen Criss: since it is a PG kiosk
[11:14] Blondin Linden: so I've been sending emails and setting up meetings trying to figure how we (LL) could get this done.
[11:14] Blondin Linden: I'm trying to push the issue b/c I know its imporant
[11:15] Blondin Linden: so no promises
3. Flickr Kiosk Rules (Blondin Linden)
[11:22] Blondin Linden: so there are some obvious moderation or rules that I think are generally approriate for this kind of thing.
[11:22] Blondin Linden: would u agree, that , in order to place more of these out, that the conent should be of mature nature?
[11:23] Blondin Linden: ie, non explicit?
[11:23] Counter Landfall: actually as neutral as possible
[11:23] Forceme Silverspar: As in PG neutral?
[11:23] Counter Landfall: so the same material could be used on signup
[11:23] Counter Landfall: yes
[11:23] Blondin Linden: thanks counter - I agree.
11:24] Blondin Linden: I also think that anything that is purly advertizing for one business would be a slippery slope and after awhile - it'll be nothing but adds. So I think anythingn that is clearly an ad shouldnt be allowed.
[11:24] Blondin Linden: Yes?
[11:25] Blondin Linden: along that line - spam and general noise should be filtered out
[11:25] colleen Criss: define please?
[11:25] colleen Criss: an ad so nothing shot at your place of business or any place of business?
[11:25] colleen Criss: no event s at them etc?
[11:26] Counter Landfall: pure info on how to verify
[11:26] Blondin Linden: good point Colleen. I think theres a very blury line there
[11:28] Blondin Linden: Colleen , I think blantant ads will be very obvious.
[11:28] Blondin Linden: if you take pics of your event - thats more of a social setting
[11:28] colleen Criss: I agree with that
[11:28] colleen Criss: but if we hold an event we cant post those photos?
[11:29] Blondin Linden: I think you'd be able to .
[11:30] Blondin Linden: Yeah I'll work on it. THough I want you all to think of the issue of moderation. Not everyone is gunna know these guidless nor should we expect them to. Perhaps the best idea to keep it up to date is to have people here help with that.
[11:30] Blondin Linden: So think about that - if it makes sense
[11:30] Blondin Linden: other wise, we're going to have issues in scalability :)
1. BED FAIR - http://bedfair.blogspot.com/ (Lias Leandros)
[11:03] Blondin Linden: http://bedfair.blogspot.com/2010/10/bed-fair-proposal-for-zindra-linden.html
[11:03] colleen Criss: http://bedfair.blogspot.com/2010/10/bed-fair-proposal-for-zindra-linden.html
[11:03] colleen Criss: oo lol you beat me
[11:03] colleen Criss: she is waiting approval
[11:03] colleen Criss: from you
[11:04] colleen Criss: time was chosen before Ginette decioded upon her time last week
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: has the proposal bene done with the criteria of the Island Events procedure?>
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: because as of last week,m lias claimed that process was nonsense
[11:05] Blondin Linden: So, of course, I'd love to see even more detail but I like where your going . Right off the bat though - I'm gunna ask that you consider pushing the dates back by 2 weeks.
[11:05] Blondin Linden: To give time for GInette and the Art Maze to conclude
[11:05] colleen Criss: well we can negoicate times
[11:05] colleen Criss: Counter has April and summer is not a good time for large scale events in SL so it will have to have a October Set up time and a november event date
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin..events shoudl hjave abt 3 months average for proper buildup....thats the point of it being a big event, whatever it is
[11:06] colleen Criss: in order to get vendors build set up etc
[11:06] colleen Criss: Gina let Blondin run his mtg
[11:07] Blondin Linden: I do think that you'll need a bit more time in planning this all out which is why details are always a good thing.
[11:07] colleen Criss: are those times acceptable for you Blondin?
[11:08] Blondin Linden: next novemebr?
[11:11] Blondin Linden: ok Colleen, keep work with Lias on it. SOme things I'd still like to see: - include details about Prim needs, land Management, Membership, Group roles and abilities
[11:11] Blondin Linden: and Include a land-use plan (as best as possible at an early stage). This could be a basic diagram and/or well-written explanation.
[11:11] colleen Criss: yes Blondin will do :) ty
2. Age Verification Kiosks (Colleen Criss)
[11:13] Blondin Linden: So a while back - there was a team working on getting verification into the viewer
[11:13] Blondin Linden: but things happened :) and other issues took priority
[11:14] Blondin Linden: apparently, it's a big deal that'll need both server and viewer work
[11:14] colleen Criss: I have a list on the site of potential HUBS
[11:14] colleen Criss: since it is a PG kiosk
[11:14] Blondin Linden: so I've been sending emails and setting up meetings trying to figure how we (LL) could get this done.
[11:14] Blondin Linden: I'm trying to push the issue b/c I know its imporant
[11:15] Blondin Linden: so no promises
3. Flickr Kiosk Rules (Blondin Linden)
[11:22] Blondin Linden: so there are some obvious moderation or rules that I think are generally approriate for this kind of thing.
[11:22] Blondin Linden: would u agree, that , in order to place more of these out, that the conent should be of mature nature?
[11:23] Blondin Linden: ie, non explicit?
[11:23] Counter Landfall: actually as neutral as possible
[11:23] Forceme Silverspar: As in PG neutral?
[11:23] Counter Landfall: so the same material could be used on signup
[11:23] Counter Landfall: yes
[11:23] Blondin Linden: thanks counter - I agree.
11:24] Blondin Linden: I also think that anything that is purly advertizing for one business would be a slippery slope and after awhile - it'll be nothing but adds. So I think anythingn that is clearly an ad shouldnt be allowed.
[11:24] Blondin Linden: Yes?
[11:25] Blondin Linden: along that line - spam and general noise should be filtered out
[11:25] colleen Criss: define please?
[11:25] colleen Criss: an ad so nothing shot at your place of business or any place of business?
[11:25] colleen Criss: no event s at them etc?
[11:26] Counter Landfall: pure info on how to verify
[11:26] Blondin Linden: good point Colleen. I think theres a very blury line there
[11:28] Blondin Linden: Colleen , I think blantant ads will be very obvious.
[11:28] Blondin Linden: if you take pics of your event - thats more of a social setting
[11:28] colleen Criss: I agree with that
[11:28] colleen Criss: but if we hold an event we cant post those photos?
[11:29] Blondin Linden: I think you'd be able to .
[11:30] Blondin Linden: Yeah I'll work on it. THough I want you all to think of the issue of moderation. Not everyone is gunna know these guidless nor should we expect them to. Perhaps the best idea to keep it up to date is to have people here help with that.
[11:30] Blondin Linden: So think about that - if it makes sense
[11:30] Blondin Linden: other wise, we're going to have issues in scalability :)
Blondin's OH MTG Text 11/15/10
[10:51] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Toran Babenco (1m)[10:54] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Ginette Pinazzo (13m)[10:55] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Zada Bury (7m)[10:55] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Counter Landfall (19m)
[10:55] Zada Bury: greetings around
[10:55] Counter Landfall: Hi everyone
[10:55] Zada Bury: *~~silencepurr~~*
[10:55] colleen Criss: hello Counter, Zada, Ginette
[10:55] Ginette Pinazzo: oh, Hi Zada
[10:55] Zada Bury: not blue today you two?
[10:56] Counter Landfall: blue?
[10:56] Zada Bury: Toran and Colleen ^.^
[10:56] Zada Bury: last week was navi-time
[10:56] colleen Criss: Toran is brb to RL
[10:56] colleen Criss: oooo
[10:56] colleen Criss: lol
[10:56] colleen Criss: those were cool huh
[10:56] Zada Bury: I know them
[10:57] Zada Bury: but they are pretty expensive
[10:57] Zada Bury: one shop wanted 2k
[10:57] colleen Criss: we had fun with that
[10:57] colleen Criss: yes
[10:57] Zada Bury: at least as the movie was on
[10:59] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Kaddan Yue (13m)
[11:00] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Marideath Morpork (13m)
[11:00] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Forceme Silverspar (12m)
[11:00] Zada Bury: heya Forceme ^_^
[11:00] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Kaddan....Hi Force
[11:00] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: NikoKito Aries (7m)
[11:01] Forceme Silverspar: Hiya Zada, Ginette, everyone.
[11:01] Counter Landfall: Hi Kaddan and Forceme
[11:01] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Silvanus Northman (19m)
[11:01] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Brenton Xaris (12m)
[11:01] Silvanus Northman: hi all,
[11:01] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Qie Niangao (7m)
[11:01] Counter Landfall: Hi Silvanus
[11:01] Zada Bury: oh, there over ... heya all the "newcome-inn-ers"
[11:01] Blondin Linden: hey all
[11:01] Marideath Morpork: hello
[11:01] Zada Bury: I see blondin
[11:01] Counter Landfall: Hi Blondin
[11:01] Forceme Silverspar: Hiya Blondin.
[11:01] Zada Bury: heya Blondin, welcome today
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Mari!
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Blondin
[11:01] Blondin Linden: hate to do this but I can only stay for 30 minutes today
[11:01] NikoKito Aries: hola
[11:01] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) hello
[11:01] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Dora Gustafson (13m)
[11:01] Blondin Linden: Im sorry
[11:01] Blondin Linden: :(
[11:01] Marideath Morpork: Hello Gina
[11:02] Silvanus Northman: Hi Dora : )
[11:02] colleen Criss: hello everyone :)
[11:02] Counter Landfall: np
[11:02] Blondin Linden: so with that inmind, we should dive into the agenda
[11:02] Zada Bury: well ... next week then 90 minutes ^.^
[11:02] Ginette Pinazzo: ok lets dive!
[11:02] Zada Bury: yes, hurry
[11:02] Blondin Linden: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Blondin_Linden's_Zindra_Office_Hour_Agenda
[11:02] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Tia Renfort (13m)
[11:02] Forceme Silverspar: Run!
[11:02] Blondin Linden: First up was by :ias
[11:02] Blondin Linden: Lias
[11:02] colleen Criss: Ill rep for her if that is ok
[11:02] Silvanus Northman: hi tia : )
[11:02] Blondin Linden: is she here?
[11:02] Tia Renfort: hello everyone
[11:02] colleen Criss: she had rl to tend
[11:03] Blondin Linden: understandable
[11:03] Tia Renfort: hello Sil
[11:03] Blondin Linden: Sure Colleen, do u want to tell us about the BEd Faire?
[11:03] Blondin Linden: http://bedfair.blogspot.com/2010/10/bed-fair-proposal-for-zindra-linden.html
[11:03] colleen Criss: http://bedfair.blogspot.com/2010/10/bed-fair-proposal-for-zindra-linden.html
[11:03] colleen Criss: oo lol you beat me
[11:03] colleen Criss: she is waiting approval
[11:03] colleen Criss: from you
[11:04] colleen Criss: time was chosen before Ginette decioded upon her time last week
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: has the proposal bene done with the criteria of the Island Events procedure?>
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: because as of last week,m lias claimed that process was nonsense
[11:04] colleen Criss: open the link
[11:04] colleen Criss: you can see
[11:05] colleen Criss: keep your stones Gina , she has her proposal up
[11:05] colleen Criss: open the link
[11:05] Ginette Pinazzo: do not talk abt stones, colleen...remain professional
[11:05] colleen Criss: lol
[11:05] Blondin Linden: So, of course, I'd love to see even more detail but I like where your going . Right off the bat though - I'm gunna ask that you consider pushing the dates back by 2 weeks.
[11:05] Blondin Linden: To give time for GInette and the Art Maze to conclude
[11:05] colleen Criss: well we can negoicate times
[11:05] colleen Criss: Counter has April and summer is not a good time for large scale events in SL so it will have to have a October Set up time and a november event date
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin..events shoudl hjave abt 3 months average for proper buildup....thats the point of it being a big event, whatever it is
[11:06] colleen Criss: in order to get vendors build set up etc
[11:06] colleen Criss: Gina let Blondin run his mtg
[11:07] Blondin Linden: I do think that you'll need a bit more time in planning this all out which is why details are always a good thing.
[11:07] colleen Criss: are those times acceptable for you Blondin?
[11:07] Ginette Pinazzo: and coubntyerd oesnt 'have' arpil.......he has not doen his actual proposal yet
[11:07] colleen Criss: shoot for novemeber then?
[11:07] Ginette Pinazzo: *counmter
[11:07] colleen Criss: Gina,
[11:08] colleen Criss: dont speak for oter ppl
[11:08] colleen Criss: wait your turn
[11:08] Blondin Linden: next novemebr?
[11:08] Qie Niangao: confused: I'm seeing a February date on the proposal... ??
[11:08] colleen Criss: yes Blondin :)
[11:08] Ginette Pinazzo: I am speaking for the procvess that was agreed upon.....proposal first, then approval....simple order
[11:08] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Youri Ashton (7m)
[11:08] colleen Criss: Lias is willing to take her turn
[11:08] colleen Criss: NOT all agreed Gina
[11:08] colleen Criss: do your own thing
[11:08] colleen Criss: Im speaking with Blondin
[11:09] Blondin Linden: Counter - the Zexpo you want to plan for April - how much build up time / prep will you need?[11:09] Counter Landfall: since the vent is only for a werek, max 3 weeks before is good
[11:09] Counter Landfall: wek*
[11:09] colleen Criss: Qie, that was Lias original date but it was taken by Gina
[11:09] Counter Landfall: week* - I think my keyboard is stuck, haha
[11:10] Youri Ashton: hello all!
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: colleen...stop lyinmbg in public..your facsta re wronmg[11:10] Youri Ashton: hey blondin :)
[11:10] colleen Criss: Gina
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: colleen
[11:10] colleen Criss: youre going to mute any second now
[11:10] colleen Criss: I never lie
[11:10] colleen Criss: tend your biz
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: well youve bene misled by lias, sorry.......
[11:10] colleen Criss: stop harrassing me :)
[11:10] Qie Niangao: oh, thanks colleen... but I thought it just had to push 2 weeks to make room... then after the Bed thing, Counter's thing
[11:10] colleen Criss: NOT your biz again Gina
[11:11] Blondin Linden: ok Colleen, keep work with Lias on it. SOme things I'd still like to see: - include details about Prim needs, land Management, Membership, Group roles and abilities
[11:11] Blondin Linden: and Include a land-use plan (as best as possible at an early stage). This could be a basic diagram and/or well-written explanation.
[11:11] colleen Criss: yes Blondin will do :) ty
[11:11] Youri Ashton: calm down already, no need for a cat fight ^_^
[11:11] colleen Criss: never cat fight :) Im a lady
[11:11] Blondin Linden: also take a look at your timeline and adjust as needed.
[11:11] Blondin Linden: ok
[11:11] Blondin Linden: moving on
[11:11] colleen Criss: yes we will ty :)
[11:11] Blondin Linden: next
[11:12] Blondin Linden: Age Verification Kiosks
[11:12] Blondin Linden: THis was a COlleen item
[11:12] colleen Criss: Ive updated those again
[11:12] Blondin Linden: I'll admit, this one is my bad
[11:12] Blondin Linden: oh you have/[
11:12] Blondin Linden: great
[11:12] colleen Criss: yes
[11:12] colleen Criss: V2 will drop a folder
[11:12] colleen Criss: v1 opens the web
[11:12] Youri Ashton: age vervication kiosks?
[11:13] Youri Ashton: lol, i been away too long i see :p\
[11:13] Blondin Linden: information on how to verify
[11:13] Forceme Silverspar: I am confused. Are there two kiosks going about?
[11:13] colleen Criss: Ill pass you one Blondin
[11:13] Youri Ashton: i understood that blondin
[11:13] Items successfully shared.
[11:13] Blondin Linden: So a while back - there was a team working on getting verification into the viewer
[11:13] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Redlag Mayo (7m)
[11:13] Items successfully shared.
[11:13] Youri Ashton: ah ok
[11:13] Blondin Linden: but things happened :) and other issues took priority
[11:14] Blondin Linden: apparently, it's a big deal that'll need both server and viewer work
[11:14] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Skygirl Kline (19m)
[11:14] colleen Criss: I have a list on the site of potential HUBS
[11:14] colleen Criss: since it is a PG kiosk
[11:14] Blondin Linden: so I've been sending emails and setting up meetings trying to figure how we (LL) could get this done.
[11:14] Silvanus Northman: well colleen, no Adult adverts on PG I hope
[11:14] Youri Ashton: it should indeed work both on server as viewer, else its useless :p
[11:14] Blondin Linden: I'm trying to push the issue b/c I know its imporant
[11:14] colleen Criss: no but it could go to G
[11:15] Forceme Silverspar: Blondin, this one that coleen has done does the same job but less than the Flickr Slideshow kiosk.
[11:15] Blondin Linden: so no promises
[11:15] Forceme Silverspar: Is that right?
[11:15] Forceme Silverspar: Seems to me two products are being developed to do the same job, I am confused?
[11:15] colleen Criss: mine can be set down anywhere
[11:16] colleen Criss: 1 script
[11:16] colleen Criss: 4 prims
[11:16] colleen Criss: no visuals
[11:16] Counter Landfall: untextured?
[11:16] Ginette Pinazzo: actually, if its poitning to that wiki page, the slideshow kisok always had that as one iof its 3 'inrofmnation balls'[11:16] Forceme Silverspar: Can we not have one big ZINDRA product? Wouldn't that work better?
[11:16] Forceme Silverspar: Than two that might confuse the new folks?
[11:16] Blondin Linden: not quite. This one gives info on how to verify and while the FLickr one does as well, its more of a....picture show to raise awareness
[11:17] Ginette Pinazzo: hey if theres room at infohubs for both, why not?
[11:17] Forceme Silverspar: The coleen one is slimline version, then.
[11:17] Qie Niangao: (colleen, does the content come from the kiosk itself, or a central server?)
[11:17] colleen Criss: this can be set out on M HUBs
[11:17] colleen Criss: the kiosk
[11:17] Silvanus Northman: both version have its goodies
[11:17] colleen Criss: by folder
[11:17] colleen Criss: or by web
[11:18] colleen Criss: we were told we could not have a server one
[11:18] Forceme Silverspar: I think it would have more impact if it wasjust one product. Just my view eh.
[11:18] Qie Niangao: oh right
[11:18] Blondin Linden: ok lets keep truckin!
[11:18] Blondin Linden: next :)
[11:18] colleen Criss: this never needs one anyhow as long as wiki stays upto date
[11:18] Qie Niangao: (forgot, sorry. just thinking of the pain to update content if it's local)
[11:18] Youri Ashton: that kiosk should work on LL servers, not any other way. that gives more savety to all
[11:18] Ginette Pinazzo: (dotnm forget to mark action items for the agenda for teh wiki, Blondin!)
[11:18] Blondin Linden: Flickr Group Pool Content Standards
[11:19] Blondin Linden: so, now that the group is set up - we should prob talk about moderation
[11:19] Ginette Pinazzo: you were going to come back witha darft on that, Blondin
[11:19] Ginette Pinazzo: *draft
[11:20] Blondin Linden: so I have some ideas kicking around
[11:20] Youri Ashton: strange question perhaps, but did any of you think about disabilities yet? enough people with disabilities like to join in as well @ Zindra, but can not due to the lack of disability aid.
[11:21] Blondin Linden: well - first - can we agree that the it'll need some sort of moderation? DOes anyone disagree with that?
[11:21] Ginette Pinazzo: I agree
[11:21] Counter Landfall: yes
[11:21] Silvanus Northman: will keep that in mind Youri, ty
[11:21] colleen Criss: agrees
[11:21] Youri Ashton: its just a matter of time before more groups of people with disabilities join SL and join your communities
[11:22] colleen Criss: Youri , :) good idea create a propoal, if you need help let any of us know :)
[11:22] Blondin Linden: so there are some obvious moderation or rules that I think are generally approriate for this kind of thing.
[11:22] Ginette Pinazzo: (youri....good topic..if it is Zindra related, you shoudl get that on the agenda for an upcmingh meeting)
[11:22] Youri Ashton: and I was not even speaking about things like autism, but more like wheelchair friendly places and for people with visual disabilities
[11:22] colleen Criss: listens for Blondin
[11:22] Blondin Linden: would u agree, that , in order to place more of these out, that the conent should be of mature nature?
[11:22] Youri Ashton: ginette, hardly have the time myself, just on since i had some time to spare :)
[11:23] Blondin Linden: ie, non explicit?
[11:23] Ginette Pinazzo: I agree Blondin
[11:23] colleen Criss: agrees Blondin
[11:23] Counter Landfall: yes Blondin
[11:23] Counter Landfall: actually as neutral as possible
[11:23] Forceme Silverspar: As in PG neutral?
[11:23] Counter Landfall: so the same material could be used on signup
[11:23] Counter Landfall: yes
[11:23] Blondin Linden: thanks counter - I agree.
[11:23] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Brian Roop (6m)
[11:24] Blondin Linden: I also think that anything that is purly advertizing for one business would be a slippery slope and after awhile - it'll be nothing but adds. So I think anythingn that is clearly an ad shouldnt be allowed.
[11:24] Blondin Linden: Yes?
[11:24] Qie Niangao: yes
[11:24] Silvanus Northman: yep
[11:24] Youri Ashton: I think LL should not bother taking over the work done by the residents on mature/adult matters. Although working genitals could work for example.
[11:25] Counter Landfall: agreed
[11:25] Forceme Silverspar: Hmm....
[11:25] Blondin Linden: along that line - spam and general noise should be filtered out[
11:25] colleen Criss: define please?
[11:25] Forceme Silverspar: I think that's gonna be hard to police.
[11:25] Youri Ashton: besides that, if LL took over, it most likely would be killed by the laws LL has to obay, which rather kills everything
[11:25] Ginette Pinazzo: I agree Blondin...whoelheartedly
[11:25] colleen Criss: an ad so nothing shot at your place of business or any place of business?
[11:25] colleen Criss: no event s at them etc?
[11:26] Counter Landfall: pure info on how to verify
[11:26] Blondin Linden: good point Colleen. I think theres a very blury line there
[11:26] Forceme Silverspar: I don't see what insentive people would have to upload their pics.
[11:26] Ginette Pinazzo: Moderation is like Curating an art show....certain standards would be upheld.....thats normal
[11:26] Silvanus Northman: yes colleen no business, just to make them curious for adult
[11:26] Counter Landfall: and what you could expect to find there - in general terms[11:26] Silvanus Northman: : ) ty counter
[11:26] colleen Criss: how do you propose to generate business then for Zindra? if no one knows what is here?
[11:26] colleen Criss: I think no XXX is a great idea
[11:27] colleen Criss: no nudity even
[11:27] Silvanus Northman: well we dont speak about business now colleen, we speak about SL and its Adult part
[11:27] colleen Criss: but we have a gallery
[11:27] Kaddan Yue: is this not a adult sim, so now we are going to be bias
[11:27] Youri Ashton: would it not be better to leave the policing to a special admin group made out of residents? that havve the ability to kick, freeze and return items when needed.
[11:27] Blondin Linden: Forceme - there is no REAL incentive other than simply sharing your time/experience on ZIndra with others. THose who are into that will be happy to post w/o getting something in return.
[11:27] Silvanus Northman: adverts can be done by well organized private slideshows...
[11:28] Blondin Linden: Colleen , I think blantant ads will be very obvious.
[11:28] Youri Ashton: they could handle also foul language use for example IF the owner of that land disallowes that in that sim/land or however stated
[11:28] Forceme Silverspar: Thank you Blondin, I can see that. I have uploaded some of my pics :0
[11:28] Ginette Pinazzo: if it helps, view it as an art show.......sort of....not an advertising vehcile
[11:28] Blondin Linden: if you take pics of your event - thats more of a social setting
[11:28] colleen Criss: I agree with that
[11:28] colleen Criss: but if we hold an event we cant post those photos?
[11:29] Forceme Silverspar: Depends if it is a clead Ad?
[11:29] Forceme Silverspar: Clear.
[11:29] colleen Criss: sorry laggin terribly
[11:29] Youri Ashton: LL won't have to do much more then helping out with the harder cases, incase someone needs to be banned for example, and the people in zindra only need to bother with that policing group
[11:29] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin....do you or will yuo have yur draft posted somewhere we can read? and think over?
[11:29] Blondin Linden: I think you'd be able to .
[11:29] Youri Ashton: takes preasure away from both sides
[11:29] colleen Criss: ok ty Blondin
[11:30] Kaddan Yue: So we are going Mature in other words, I so don't get this[11:30] Blondin Linden: Yeah I'll work on it. THough I want you all to think of the issue of moderation. Not everyone is gunna know these guidless nor should we expect them to. Perhaps the best idea to keep it up to date is to have people here help with that.
[11:30] Blondin Linden: So think about that - if it makes sense
[11:30] Blondin Linden: other wise, we're going to have issues in scalability :)
[11:31] Ginette Pinazzo: so whast the next step exactly?[11:31] colleen Criss: it does
[11:31] Youri Ashton: blondin, think you should take my idea in concideration. its both good for zindra as LL
[11:31] Blondin Linden: so I am actually out of time but let me take a look at the wiki and see if theres anything I should touch upon
[11:32] Blondin Linden: youri, Im thinking your on the right track
[11:32] Zada Bury: Before you hide fast: Thank you for the short time this week ... and see you next week, Blondin. =^_^=
[11:32] Youri Ashton: I know i am, lol. i did not randomly shout out something :)
[11:32] Blondin Linden: hahah
[11:32] Forceme Silverspar: Thanks Blondin, until next time.
[11:32] Youri Ashton: I been telling that from the start
[11:32] Youri Ashton: lol
[11:32] Blondin Linden: I think the rest can wait.
[11:32] Blondin Linden: Thanks all
[11:32] Blondin Linden: ttyl
[11:32] Counter Landfall: cheers
[11:32] Ginette Pinazzo: ciao
[11:32] colleen Criss: ty
[11:32] Zada Bury: *purrs*
[11:32] Qie Niangao: thanks Blondin
[11:32] Silvanus Northman: ty Blondin : )
[11:32] Youri Ashton: thanks for having us blondin
[11:32] Redlag Mayo: bye Blondin
[10:55] Zada Bury: greetings around
[10:55] Counter Landfall: Hi everyone
[10:55] Zada Bury: *~~silencepurr~~*
[10:55] colleen Criss: hello Counter, Zada, Ginette
[10:55] Ginette Pinazzo: oh, Hi Zada
[10:55] Zada Bury: not blue today you two?
[10:56] Counter Landfall: blue?
[10:56] Zada Bury: Toran and Colleen ^.^
[10:56] Zada Bury: last week was navi-time
[10:56] colleen Criss: Toran is brb to RL
[10:56] colleen Criss: oooo
[10:56] colleen Criss: lol
[10:56] colleen Criss: those were cool huh
[10:56] Zada Bury: I know them
[10:57] Zada Bury: but they are pretty expensive
[10:57] Zada Bury: one shop wanted 2k
[10:57] colleen Criss: we had fun with that
[10:57] colleen Criss: yes
[10:57] Zada Bury: at least as the movie was on
[10:59] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Kaddan Yue (13m)
[11:00] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Marideath Morpork (13m)
[11:00] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Forceme Silverspar (12m)
[11:00] Zada Bury: heya Forceme ^_^
[11:00] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Kaddan....Hi Force
[11:00] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: NikoKito Aries (7m)
[11:01] Forceme Silverspar: Hiya Zada, Ginette, everyone.
[11:01] Counter Landfall: Hi Kaddan and Forceme
[11:01] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Silvanus Northman (19m)
[11:01] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Brenton Xaris (12m)
[11:01] Silvanus Northman: hi all,
[11:01] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Qie Niangao (7m)
[11:01] Counter Landfall: Hi Silvanus
[11:01] Zada Bury: oh, there over ... heya all the "newcome-inn-ers"
[11:01] Blondin Linden: hey all
[11:01] Marideath Morpork: hello
[11:01] Zada Bury: I see blondin
[11:01] Counter Landfall: Hi Blondin
[11:01] Forceme Silverspar: Hiya Blondin.
[11:01] Zada Bury: heya Blondin, welcome today
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Mari!
[11:01] Ginette Pinazzo: Hi Blondin
[11:01] Blondin Linden: hate to do this but I can only stay for 30 minutes today
[11:01] NikoKito Aries: hola
[11:01] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) hello
[11:01] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Dora Gustafson (13m)
[11:01] Blondin Linden: Im sorry
[11:01] Blondin Linden: :(
[11:01] Marideath Morpork: Hello Gina
[11:02] Silvanus Northman: Hi Dora : )
[11:02] colleen Criss: hello everyone :)
[11:02] Counter Landfall: np
[11:02] Blondin Linden: so with that inmind, we should dive into the agenda
[11:02] Zada Bury: well ... next week then 90 minutes ^.^
[11:02] Ginette Pinazzo: ok lets dive!
[11:02] Zada Bury: yes, hurry
[11:02] Blondin Linden: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Blondin_Linden's_Zindra_Office_Hour_Agenda
[11:02] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Tia Renfort (13m)
[11:02] Forceme Silverspar: Run!
[11:02] Blondin Linden: First up was by :ias
[11:02] Blondin Linden: Lias
[11:02] colleen Criss: Ill rep for her if that is ok
[11:02] Silvanus Northman: hi tia : )
[11:02] Blondin Linden: is she here?
[11:02] Tia Renfort: hello everyone
[11:02] colleen Criss: she had rl to tend
[11:03] Blondin Linden: understandable
[11:03] Tia Renfort: hello Sil
[11:03] Blondin Linden: Sure Colleen, do u want to tell us about the BEd Faire?
[11:03] Blondin Linden: http://bedfair.blogspot.com/2010/10/bed-fair-proposal-for-zindra-linden.html
[11:03] colleen Criss: http://bedfair.blogspot.com/2010/10/bed-fair-proposal-for-zindra-linden.html
[11:03] colleen Criss: oo lol you beat me
[11:03] colleen Criss: she is waiting approval
[11:03] colleen Criss: from you
[11:04] colleen Criss: time was chosen before Ginette decioded upon her time last week
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: has the proposal bene done with the criteria of the Island Events procedure?>
[11:04] Ginette Pinazzo: because as of last week,m lias claimed that process was nonsense
[11:04] colleen Criss: open the link
[11:04] colleen Criss: you can see
[11:05] colleen Criss: keep your stones Gina , she has her proposal up
[11:05] colleen Criss: open the link
[11:05] Ginette Pinazzo: do not talk abt stones, colleen...remain professional
[11:05] colleen Criss: lol
[11:05] Blondin Linden: So, of course, I'd love to see even more detail but I like where your going . Right off the bat though - I'm gunna ask that you consider pushing the dates back by 2 weeks.
[11:05] Blondin Linden: To give time for GInette and the Art Maze to conclude
[11:05] colleen Criss: well we can negoicate times
[11:05] colleen Criss: Counter has April and summer is not a good time for large scale events in SL so it will have to have a October Set up time and a november event date
[11:06] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin..events shoudl hjave abt 3 months average for proper buildup....thats the point of it being a big event, whatever it is
[11:06] colleen Criss: in order to get vendors build set up etc
[11:06] colleen Criss: Gina let Blondin run his mtg
[11:07] Blondin Linden: I do think that you'll need a bit more time in planning this all out which is why details are always a good thing.
[11:07] colleen Criss: are those times acceptable for you Blondin?
[11:07] Ginette Pinazzo: and coubntyerd oesnt 'have' arpil.......he has not doen his actual proposal yet
[11:07] colleen Criss: shoot for novemeber then?
[11:07] Ginette Pinazzo: *counmter
[11:07] colleen Criss: Gina,
[11:08] colleen Criss: dont speak for oter ppl
[11:08] colleen Criss: wait your turn
[11:08] Blondin Linden: next novemebr?
[11:08] Qie Niangao: confused: I'm seeing a February date on the proposal... ??
[11:08] colleen Criss: yes Blondin :)
[11:08] Ginette Pinazzo: I am speaking for the procvess that was agreed upon.....proposal first, then approval....simple order
[11:08] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Youri Ashton (7m)
[11:08] colleen Criss: Lias is willing to take her turn
[11:08] colleen Criss: NOT all agreed Gina
[11:08] colleen Criss: do your own thing
[11:08] colleen Criss: Im speaking with Blondin
[11:09] Blondin Linden: Counter - the Zexpo you want to plan for April - how much build up time / prep will you need?[11:09] Counter Landfall: since the vent is only for a werek, max 3 weeks before is good
[11:09] Counter Landfall: wek*
[11:09] colleen Criss: Qie, that was Lias original date but it was taken by Gina
[11:09] Counter Landfall: week* - I think my keyboard is stuck, haha
[11:10] Youri Ashton: hello all!
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: colleen...stop lyinmbg in public..your facsta re wronmg[11:10] Youri Ashton: hey blondin :)
[11:10] colleen Criss: Gina
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: colleen
[11:10] colleen Criss: youre going to mute any second now
[11:10] colleen Criss: I never lie
[11:10] colleen Criss: tend your biz
[11:10] Ginette Pinazzo: well youve bene misled by lias, sorry.......
[11:10] colleen Criss: stop harrassing me :)
[11:10] Qie Niangao: oh, thanks colleen... but I thought it just had to push 2 weeks to make room... then after the Bed thing, Counter's thing
[11:10] colleen Criss: NOT your biz again Gina
[11:11] Blondin Linden: ok Colleen, keep work with Lias on it. SOme things I'd still like to see: - include details about Prim needs, land Management, Membership, Group roles and abilities
[11:11] Blondin Linden: and Include a land-use plan (as best as possible at an early stage). This could be a basic diagram and/or well-written explanation.
[11:11] colleen Criss: yes Blondin will do :) ty
[11:11] Youri Ashton: calm down already, no need for a cat fight ^_^
[11:11] colleen Criss: never cat fight :) Im a lady
[11:11] Blondin Linden: also take a look at your timeline and adjust as needed.
[11:11] Blondin Linden: ok
[11:11] Blondin Linden: moving on
[11:11] colleen Criss: yes we will ty :)
[11:11] Blondin Linden: next
[11:12] Blondin Linden: Age Verification Kiosks
[11:12] Blondin Linden: THis was a COlleen item
[11:12] colleen Criss: Ive updated those again
[11:12] Blondin Linden: I'll admit, this one is my bad
[11:12] Blondin Linden: oh you have/[
11:12] Blondin Linden: great
[11:12] colleen Criss: yes
[11:12] colleen Criss: V2 will drop a folder
[11:12] colleen Criss: v1 opens the web
[11:12] Youri Ashton: age vervication kiosks?
[11:13] Youri Ashton: lol, i been away too long i see :p\
[11:13] Blondin Linden: information on how to verify
[11:13] Forceme Silverspar: I am confused. Are there two kiosks going about?
[11:13] colleen Criss: Ill pass you one Blondin
[11:13] Youri Ashton: i understood that blondin
[11:13] Items successfully shared.
[11:13] Blondin Linden: So a while back - there was a team working on getting verification into the viewer
[11:13] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Redlag Mayo (7m)
[11:13] Items successfully shared.
[11:13] Youri Ashton: ah ok
[11:13] Blondin Linden: but things happened :) and other issues took priority
[11:14] Blondin Linden: apparently, it's a big deal that'll need both server and viewer work
[11:14] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Skygirl Kline (19m)
[11:14] colleen Criss: I have a list on the site of potential HUBS
[11:14] colleen Criss: since it is a PG kiosk
[11:14] Blondin Linden: so I've been sending emails and setting up meetings trying to figure how we (LL) could get this done.
[11:14] Silvanus Northman: well colleen, no Adult adverts on PG I hope
[11:14] Youri Ashton: it should indeed work both on server as viewer, else its useless :p
[11:14] Blondin Linden: I'm trying to push the issue b/c I know its imporant
[11:14] colleen Criss: no but it could go to G
[11:15] Forceme Silverspar: Blondin, this one that coleen has done does the same job but less than the Flickr Slideshow kiosk.
[11:15] Blondin Linden: so no promises
[11:15] Forceme Silverspar: Is that right?
[11:15] Forceme Silverspar: Seems to me two products are being developed to do the same job, I am confused?
[11:15] colleen Criss: mine can be set down anywhere
[11:16] colleen Criss: 1 script
[11:16] colleen Criss: 4 prims
[11:16] colleen Criss: no visuals
[11:16] Counter Landfall: untextured?
[11:16] Ginette Pinazzo: actually, if its poitning to that wiki page, the slideshow kisok always had that as one iof its 3 'inrofmnation balls'[11:16] Forceme Silverspar: Can we not have one big ZINDRA product? Wouldn't that work better?
[11:16] Forceme Silverspar: Than two that might confuse the new folks?
[11:16] Blondin Linden: not quite. This one gives info on how to verify and while the FLickr one does as well, its more of a....picture show to raise awareness
[11:17] Ginette Pinazzo: hey if theres room at infohubs for both, why not?
[11:17] Forceme Silverspar: The coleen one is slimline version, then.
[11:17] Qie Niangao: (colleen, does the content come from the kiosk itself, or a central server?)
[11:17] colleen Criss: this can be set out on M HUBs
[11:17] colleen Criss: the kiosk
[11:17] Silvanus Northman: both version have its goodies
[11:17] colleen Criss: by folder
[11:17] colleen Criss: or by web
[11:18] colleen Criss: we were told we could not have a server one
[11:18] Forceme Silverspar: I think it would have more impact if it wasjust one product. Just my view eh.
[11:18] Qie Niangao: oh right
[11:18] Blondin Linden: ok lets keep truckin!
[11:18] Blondin Linden: next :)
[11:18] colleen Criss: this never needs one anyhow as long as wiki stays upto date
[11:18] Qie Niangao: (forgot, sorry. just thinking of the pain to update content if it's local)
[11:18] Youri Ashton: that kiosk should work on LL servers, not any other way. that gives more savety to all
[11:18] Ginette Pinazzo: (dotnm forget to mark action items for the agenda for teh wiki, Blondin!)
[11:18] Blondin Linden: Flickr Group Pool Content Standards
[11:19] Blondin Linden: so, now that the group is set up - we should prob talk about moderation
[11:19] Ginette Pinazzo: you were going to come back witha darft on that, Blondin
[11:19] Ginette Pinazzo: *draft
[11:20] Blondin Linden: so I have some ideas kicking around
[11:20] Youri Ashton: strange question perhaps, but did any of you think about disabilities yet? enough people with disabilities like to join in as well @ Zindra, but can not due to the lack of disability aid.
[11:21] Blondin Linden: well - first - can we agree that the it'll need some sort of moderation? DOes anyone disagree with that?
[11:21] Ginette Pinazzo: I agree
[11:21] Counter Landfall: yes
[11:21] Silvanus Northman: will keep that in mind Youri, ty
[11:21] colleen Criss: agrees
[11:21] Youri Ashton: its just a matter of time before more groups of people with disabilities join SL and join your communities
[11:22] colleen Criss: Youri , :) good idea create a propoal, if you need help let any of us know :)
[11:22] Blondin Linden: so there are some obvious moderation or rules that I think are generally approriate for this kind of thing.
[11:22] Ginette Pinazzo: (youri....good topic..if it is Zindra related, you shoudl get that on the agenda for an upcmingh meeting)
[11:22] Youri Ashton: and I was not even speaking about things like autism, but more like wheelchair friendly places and for people with visual disabilities
[11:22] colleen Criss: listens for Blondin
[11:22] Blondin Linden: would u agree, that , in order to place more of these out, that the conent should be of mature nature?
[11:22] Youri Ashton: ginette, hardly have the time myself, just on since i had some time to spare :)
[11:23] Blondin Linden: ie, non explicit?
[11:23] Ginette Pinazzo: I agree Blondin
[11:23] colleen Criss: agrees Blondin
[11:23] Counter Landfall: yes Blondin
[11:23] Counter Landfall: actually as neutral as possible
[11:23] Forceme Silverspar: As in PG neutral?
[11:23] Counter Landfall: so the same material could be used on signup
[11:23] Counter Landfall: yes
[11:23] Blondin Linden: thanks counter - I agree.
[11:23] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0-freebie: Entering chat range: Brian Roop (6m)
[11:24] Blondin Linden: I also think that anything that is purly advertizing for one business would be a slippery slope and after awhile - it'll be nothing but adds. So I think anythingn that is clearly an ad shouldnt be allowed.
[11:24] Blondin Linden: Yes?
[11:24] Qie Niangao: yes
[11:24] Silvanus Northman: yep
[11:24] Youri Ashton: I think LL should not bother taking over the work done by the residents on mature/adult matters. Although working genitals could work for example.
[11:25] Counter Landfall: agreed
[11:25] Forceme Silverspar: Hmm....
[11:25] Blondin Linden: along that line - spam and general noise should be filtered out[
11:25] colleen Criss: define please?
[11:25] Forceme Silverspar: I think that's gonna be hard to police.
[11:25] Youri Ashton: besides that, if LL took over, it most likely would be killed by the laws LL has to obay, which rather kills everything
[11:25] Ginette Pinazzo: I agree Blondin...whoelheartedly
[11:25] colleen Criss: an ad so nothing shot at your place of business or any place of business?
[11:25] colleen Criss: no event s at them etc?
[11:26] Counter Landfall: pure info on how to verify
[11:26] Blondin Linden: good point Colleen. I think theres a very blury line there
[11:26] Forceme Silverspar: I don't see what insentive people would have to upload their pics.
[11:26] Ginette Pinazzo: Moderation is like Curating an art show....certain standards would be upheld.....thats normal
[11:26] Silvanus Northman: yes colleen no business, just to make them curious for adult
[11:26] Counter Landfall: and what you could expect to find there - in general terms[11:26] Silvanus Northman: : ) ty counter
[11:26] colleen Criss: how do you propose to generate business then for Zindra? if no one knows what is here?
[11:26] colleen Criss: I think no XXX is a great idea
[11:27] colleen Criss: no nudity even
[11:27] Silvanus Northman: well we dont speak about business now colleen, we speak about SL and its Adult part
[11:27] colleen Criss: but we have a gallery
[11:27] Kaddan Yue: is this not a adult sim, so now we are going to be bias
[11:27] Youri Ashton: would it not be better to leave the policing to a special admin group made out of residents? that havve the ability to kick, freeze and return items when needed.
[11:27] Blondin Linden: Forceme - there is no REAL incentive other than simply sharing your time/experience on ZIndra with others. THose who are into that will be happy to post w/o getting something in return.
[11:27] Silvanus Northman: adverts can be done by well organized private slideshows...
[11:28] Blondin Linden: Colleen , I think blantant ads will be very obvious.
[11:28] Youri Ashton: they could handle also foul language use for example IF the owner of that land disallowes that in that sim/land or however stated
[11:28] Forceme Silverspar: Thank you Blondin, I can see that. I have uploaded some of my pics :0
[11:28] Ginette Pinazzo: if it helps, view it as an art show.......sort of....not an advertising vehcile
[11:28] Blondin Linden: if you take pics of your event - thats more of a social setting
[11:28] colleen Criss: I agree with that
[11:28] colleen Criss: but if we hold an event we cant post those photos?
[11:29] Forceme Silverspar: Depends if it is a clead Ad?
[11:29] Forceme Silverspar: Clear.
[11:29] colleen Criss: sorry laggin terribly
[11:29] Youri Ashton: LL won't have to do much more then helping out with the harder cases, incase someone needs to be banned for example, and the people in zindra only need to bother with that policing group
[11:29] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin....do you or will yuo have yur draft posted somewhere we can read? and think over?
[11:29] Blondin Linden: I think you'd be able to .
[11:29] Youri Ashton: takes preasure away from both sides
[11:29] colleen Criss: ok ty Blondin
[11:30] Kaddan Yue: So we are going Mature in other words, I so don't get this[11:30] Blondin Linden: Yeah I'll work on it. THough I want you all to think of the issue of moderation. Not everyone is gunna know these guidless nor should we expect them to. Perhaps the best idea to keep it up to date is to have people here help with that.
[11:30] Blondin Linden: So think about that - if it makes sense
[11:30] Blondin Linden: other wise, we're going to have issues in scalability :)
[11:31] Ginette Pinazzo: so whast the next step exactly?[11:31] colleen Criss: it does
[11:31] Youri Ashton: blondin, think you should take my idea in concideration. its both good for zindra as LL
[11:31] Blondin Linden: so I am actually out of time but let me take a look at the wiki and see if theres anything I should touch upon
[11:32] Blondin Linden: youri, Im thinking your on the right track
[11:32] Zada Bury: Before you hide fast: Thank you for the short time this week ... and see you next week, Blondin. =^_^=
[11:32] Youri Ashton: I know i am, lol. i did not randomly shout out something :)
[11:32] Blondin Linden: hahah
[11:32] Forceme Silverspar: Thanks Blondin, until next time.
[11:32] Youri Ashton: I been telling that from the start
[11:32] Youri Ashton: lol
[11:32] Blondin Linden: I think the rest can wait.
[11:32] Blondin Linden: Thanks all
[11:32] Blondin Linden: ttyl
[11:32] Counter Landfall: cheers
[11:32] Ginette Pinazzo: ciao
[11:32] colleen Criss: ty
[11:32] Zada Bury: *purrs*
[11:32] Qie Niangao: thanks Blondin
[11:32] Silvanus Northman: ty Blondin : )
[11:32] Youri Ashton: thanks for having us blondin
[11:32] Redlag Mayo: bye Blondin
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Suggested Charter for Zexpo Group
Zindra Expo Group Charter
Zexpo Group was formed to allow Zindra Residents to join when they are creating a event using any of the Linden islands in Zindra. Also people joined to get updates of the progress of these Linden Island events.
At no time in the history of SL has a Linden Lab employee claim to be the owner of a SL 'community group' or encourage residents to go out and recruit other residents to join a Linden-run 'community group' to create some 'official' information channel for everyone on a mainland continent and control the flow of information to a region.
ZE is a Linden-run group that works intelligently to bring positive EVENT proposals to fruition.
Zindra Expo is the Linden group for Linden land management in Zindra. This group is used by Blondin Linden to grant temporary land rights to residents working together on approved events using Linden Land. Please feel free to join the group to get updates on Linden-approved events in Zindra.
Zexpo Group was formed to allow Zindra Residents to join when they are creating a event using any of the Linden islands in Zindra. Also people joined to get updates of the progress of these Linden Island events.
At no time in the history of SL has a Linden Lab employee claim to be the owner of a SL 'community group' or encourage residents to go out and recruit other residents to join a Linden-run 'community group' to create some 'official' information channel for everyone on a mainland continent and control the flow of information to a region.
ZE is a Linden-run group that works intelligently to bring positive EVENT proposals to fruition.
Zindra Expo is the Linden group for Linden land management in Zindra. This group is used by Blondin Linden to grant temporary land rights to residents working together on approved events using Linden Land. Please feel free to join the group to get updates on Linden-approved events in Zindra.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Anonymous Agenda Items at the Community Meeting
There have been some agenda items added this week that are anonymous or attributed to a group.
People have to add their SL name to their agenda items. I believe anonymous agenda items should not be discussed. If you feel you have had too many agenda items or you do not want to stand behind your agenda item then ask someone else to present it for you on the wiki.
The most recent anonymous changes (depicted in red below) were made by Ginette P.
Please sign your name to your agenda items. Thank you.
UPDATE November 10th
One anonymous agenda item was claimed by Ginette. Two others remain anonymous.
People have to add their SL name to their agenda items. I believe anonymous agenda items should not be discussed. If you feel you have had too many agenda items or you do not want to stand behind your agenda item then ask someone else to present it for you on the wiki.
The most recent anonymous changes (depicted in red below) were made by Ginette P.
Please sign your name to your agenda items. Thank you.
UPDATE November 10th
One anonymous agenda item was claimed by Ginette. Two others remain anonymous.
Letter to Blondin regarding Ginette soliciting members for his Land Management Group
Blondin, ginette has joined the Zindra Alliance group and is sending this notecard to every member in that group (poaching members) to get them to join your Land Management group under the false pretense that your land management group is a community group for Zindra. It seems very innapropriate for a resident to recruit residents for a Linden's Group in this manner.
-Lias Leandros
Zindra Expo Group Charter
To reflect upon the group's evolving and more dynamic mission, We propose new text for the Zindra Expo group's charter. ZE was initially formed to plan the ZEXPO, and then went on to address other non-event issues (such as Zindra Sim and more), We believe the need for a group that offers chances to work directly with LL on many initiatives, including events, is a wonderful opportunity for those interested in a mutually beneficial relationship. Not designed as a private or 'community group' ZE is a Linden-run group that works intelligently to bring positive proposals to fruition.
Zindra Expo is the Linden group for residents working with LL to benefit, promote and develop the 'adult continent' of Zindra. Let's hear your fresh and innovative ideas!
Weekly meetings: Monday 11AM Office Hours with Blondin Linden at the Bronlen Cafe.
Bronlen (128,224,74)
Please join this collective and keep participating for the future of Zindra.
-Lias Leandros
Zindra Expo Group Charter
To reflect upon the group's evolving and more dynamic mission, We propose new text for the Zindra Expo group's charter. ZE was initially formed to plan the ZEXPO, and then went on to address other non-event issues (such as Zindra Sim and more), We believe the need for a group that offers chances to work directly with LL on many initiatives, including events, is a wonderful opportunity for those interested in a mutually beneficial relationship. Not designed as a private or 'community group' ZE is a Linden-run group that works intelligently to bring positive proposals to fruition.
Zindra Expo is the Linden group for residents working with LL to benefit, promote and develop the 'adult continent' of Zindra. Let's hear your fresh and innovative ideas!
Weekly meetings: Monday 11AM Office Hours with Blondin Linden at the Bronlen Cafe.
Bronlen (128,224,74)
Please join this collective and keep participating for the future of Zindra.
Letter sent to Blondin regarding Ginette soliciting in Zexpo group and shouting down & threatening
Again Ginette is spamming the Zexpo group soliciting for Island proposals in your name. When I pointed out to her that we already have 3 (two of which wantthe same time frame) She started her usual threats. When I tried to discuss with her privately she refused.
That is a public chat group to discuss these island events. When someone decides to make announcements then everyone has the right to discuss those announcements. Ginette does not seem to understand that concept.
This sent to Zexpo Group.
[11:32] Ginette Pinazzo: ISLAND EVENTS WANTED........ Hello! Blondin has announced that he is ready to look at proposals for Zexpo Island Seasonal Events at upcoming meetings. Anyone who has a unique idea and can draft a good proposal for it can submit. Here is the exact proposal process: http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/zexpo-island-seasonal-events-campaign For an example of a finished proposal, here is one: http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/art-maze-2011 if anyone wants feedback or proposal help, I'd be happy to lend an ear or hand
[11:34] Lias Leandros: The only time left for the island use in 2011 is the summer (May, June July, August) - So plan accordingly
[11:36] Ginette Pinazzo: not true..the only event approved so far is the current one....after feb the entire year is still open.....feel free to submit proposals, evryone
[11:37] Lias Leandros: There is April for UnZipped
[11:37] Lias Leandros: and I have BED FAIR for Februaray but you announced after I did that you want Februaray also
[11:37] Lias Leandros: so One of us has to move to September
[11:37] Ginette Pinazzo: unzipped has not been approved yet...proposals coem first......anywya....TTFN
[11:37] Lias Leandros: (probably you)
[11:37] Lias Leandros: that leaves the summer
[11:38] Ginette Pinazzo: keep spamming this group IM lias and undermining this initiativge and its not going to end well........please refrain for this behavior
[11:39] Lias Leandros: No need to promote chaos Ginette - and the community does not need you to ask for a glut of proposals so there is hard feelings over the island uses
[11:39] Lias Leandros: you are purposely trying to cause confusion and in-fighting
[11:39] Ratatosk Independent: For crying out loud! Knock it of Lias Leandros!
[11:40] Lias Leandros: You should knock it off Rat
[11:40] Lias Leandros: this is a group chat that we can chat in
[11:40] Lias Leandros: you do know that muting someone stops you from seeing their chat
[11:41] Ratatosk Independent: I refrain strongly from being called names. You have no idea what so ever what my name signifies.
[11:41] Lias Leandros: the islands can only sustain 4 events a year - there are three already on the table - Two of which have chosen the same times
[11:41] Lias Leandros: no need to cause more confusion
[11:41] Ginette Pinazzo: then mute us all Lia...so you dotn have anything to troll about
[11:41] Lias Leandros: I donbt mind the chatrter - TRat is the one having issues
Private IM with Ginette
[11:46] Lias Leandros: [11:38] Ginette Pinazzo: keep spamming this group IM lias and undermining this initiativge and its not going to end well........please refrain for this behavior
[11:46] Lias Leandros: I report all of these public threats you make
[11:46] Lias Leandros: Blondin already tolsd you to stop
[11:46] Lias Leandros: you cantsend out public notices and expect no one to respond
[11:46] Ginette Pinazzo: MUTE
[11:46] Lias Leandros: lol
[11:46] Lias Leandros: Ill save this also
[11:47] Lias Leandros: SO from now on you should not be addressing me
[11:47] Lias Leandros: and this shows you refuse to discuss anything without an audience
Private IM with Rat
-- Instant message logging enabled --
[11:53] Lias Leandros: You should show a little more self control being a mentor. 3 Events on a sim that can only have 4 events in a year does not need constant spamming to get more and more events on it for 2011. COmmon sense.
[11:54] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:54] Lias Leandros: its not trolling when you are in a public group
[11:54] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:54] Lias Leandros: you and Ginette wantto yell in public but wont talk in private
[11:54] Lias Leandros: you seem to need an audience for your temper tantrums
[11:54] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:55] Lias Leandros: I'll send this to Blondin also along with the other 'chat' to show you and Ginette just want to shout people down
[11:55] Lias Leandros: and not discuss
[11:55] Lias Leandros: its an obvious ploy
[11:55] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:55] Lias Leandros: As expected
[11:55] Lias Leandros: You have no desire to resolve any issues or mute anyone you do not want to hear in a group chat
[11:56] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:56] Lias Leandros: you just want to stop any conversatiopn you do not agree with
[11:56] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:56] Lias Leandros: Blondin will receive this to see that amnny mediation will not work because of your agenda
[11:56] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:56] Lias Leandros: try that mute buttom next time
[11:56] Lias Leandros: it works
[11:58] Ratatosk Independent: You have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to say to contribute to ANYTHING what so ever. The ONLY thing you achieve is to make a fool out of yourself. So...
[11:59] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:59] Lias Leandros: Ill tell Blondin you said so
[11:59] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:59] Lias Leandros: you dont mind Ginette's spamming the same thing every day
[11:59] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:59] Lias Leandros: but you dont want anyone to respond negatively
[11:59] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
That is a public chat group to discuss these island events. When someone decides to make announcements then everyone has the right to discuss those announcements. Ginette does not seem to understand that concept.
This sent to Zexpo Group.
[11:32] Ginette Pinazzo: ISLAND EVENTS WANTED........ Hello! Blondin has announced that he is ready to look at proposals for Zexpo Island Seasonal Events at upcoming meetings. Anyone who has a unique idea and can draft a good proposal for it can submit. Here is the exact proposal process: http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/zexpo-island-seasonal-events-campaign For an example of a finished proposal, here is one: http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/art-maze-2011 if anyone wants feedback or proposal help, I'd be happy to lend an ear or hand
[11:34] Lias Leandros: The only time left for the island use in 2011 is the summer (May, June July, August) - So plan accordingly
[11:36] Ginette Pinazzo: not true..the only event approved so far is the current one....after feb the entire year is still open.....feel free to submit proposals, evryone
[11:37] Lias Leandros: There is April for UnZipped
[11:37] Lias Leandros: and I have BED FAIR for Februaray but you announced after I did that you want Februaray also
[11:37] Lias Leandros: so One of us has to move to September
[11:37] Ginette Pinazzo: unzipped has not been approved yet...proposals coem first......anywya....TTFN
[11:37] Lias Leandros: (probably you)
[11:37] Lias Leandros: that leaves the summer
[11:38] Ginette Pinazzo: keep spamming this group IM lias and undermining this initiativge and its not going to end well........please refrain for this behavior
[11:39] Lias Leandros: No need to promote chaos Ginette - and the community does not need you to ask for a glut of proposals so there is hard feelings over the island uses
[11:39] Lias Leandros: you are purposely trying to cause confusion and in-fighting
[11:39] Ratatosk Independent: For crying out loud! Knock it of Lias Leandros!
[11:40] Lias Leandros: You should knock it off Rat
[11:40] Lias Leandros: this is a group chat that we can chat in
[11:40] Lias Leandros: you do know that muting someone stops you from seeing their chat
[11:41] Ratatosk Independent: I refrain strongly from being called names. You have no idea what so ever what my name signifies.
[11:41] Lias Leandros: the islands can only sustain 4 events a year - there are three already on the table - Two of which have chosen the same times
[11:41] Lias Leandros: no need to cause more confusion
[11:41] Ginette Pinazzo: then mute us all Lia...so you dotn have anything to troll about
[11:41] Lias Leandros: I donbt mind the chatrter - TRat is the one having issues
Private IM with Ginette
[11:46] Lias Leandros: [11:38] Ginette Pinazzo: keep spamming this group IM lias and undermining this initiativge and its not going to end well........please refrain for this behavior
[11:46] Lias Leandros: I report all of these public threats you make
[11:46] Lias Leandros: Blondin already tolsd you to stop
[11:46] Lias Leandros: you cantsend out public notices and expect no one to respond
[11:46] Ginette Pinazzo: MUTE
[11:46] Lias Leandros: lol
[11:46] Lias Leandros: Ill save this also
[11:47] Lias Leandros: SO from now on you should not be addressing me
[11:47] Lias Leandros: and this shows you refuse to discuss anything without an audience
Private IM with Rat
-- Instant message logging enabled --
[11:53] Lias Leandros: You should show a little more self control being a mentor. 3 Events on a sim that can only have 4 events in a year does not need constant spamming to get more and more events on it for 2011. COmmon sense.
[11:54] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:54] Lias Leandros: its not trolling when you are in a public group
[11:54] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:54] Lias Leandros: you and Ginette wantto yell in public but wont talk in private
[11:54] Lias Leandros: you seem to need an audience for your temper tantrums
[11:54] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:55] Lias Leandros: I'll send this to Blondin also along with the other 'chat' to show you and Ginette just want to shout people down
[11:55] Lias Leandros: and not discuss
[11:55] Lias Leandros: its an obvious ploy
[11:55] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:55] Lias Leandros: As expected
[11:55] Lias Leandros: You have no desire to resolve any issues or mute anyone you do not want to hear in a group chat
[11:56] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:56] Lias Leandros: you just want to stop any conversatiopn you do not agree with
[11:56] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:56] Lias Leandros: Blondin will receive this to see that amnny mediation will not work because of your agenda
[11:56] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:56] Lias Leandros: try that mute buttom next time
[11:56] Lias Leandros: it works
[11:58] Ratatosk Independent: You have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to say to contribute to ANYTHING what so ever. The ONLY thing you achieve is to make a fool out of yourself. So...
[11:59] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:59] Lias Leandros: Ill tell Blondin you said so
[11:59] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:59] Lias Leandros: you dont mind Ginette's spamming the same thing every day
[11:59] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
[11:59] Lias Leandros: but you dont want anyone to respond negatively
[11:59] Ratatosk Independent: Go troll somebody else.
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